After what seemed like a two-hour nightmare of a search around their hometown of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, a young girl named Jocelyn Rojas and her mother, Jaimee, were reunited.
The young child vanished out of the blue, setting off a frantic hunt for her around the neighborhood.
Two teens learned about the situation and immediately rode their bicycles to search for her.
And they were able to save the child.
They managed to identify a suspicious vehicle, track down the abductor, and rescue the young child.
Jocelyn, 5, played in front of her grandmother’s apartment as her mother Jaimee carefully observed from a neighboring window.
Jocelyn was nowhere to be seen when Jaimee returned from taking a little break from her watching to tend to other household duties.
Suddenly, everyone started searching.
The local firemen and K9 teams assisted the police in finding the kid immediately after they were alerted of the situation.
To attempt and locate clues about the young girl’s location, neighborhood streets were closed off and neighbors searched the vicinity while distributing leaflets.
When a bystander handed Temar Boggs, then 15, and his buddy Chris Garcia, then 13, a photo of Jocelyn Rojas and described the tragic circumstances surrounding her abduction, they immediately decided to help.
They rode their bicycles to join the search.
In the video interview below, Temar responded to a question regarding his motivation to find the girl by saying, “I felt that I was going to find her.”
Temar had no idea that by doing precisely that, the little girl and her family would come to see him as a hero.
And they did find her!
Temar and Chris noticed a maroon automobile driving down side roads and making U-turns as if the driver was unfamiliar with the neighborhood as they cycled, keeping a close eye out for anything strange.
Temar and Chris started investigating because they thought this behavior was odd.
Temar describes the incident and says, “Every time we’d go down the street, he’d turn around, and then…we’d follow him.”
They didn’t stop following the car.
After approximately 15 minutes of pursuing the maroon Chevy, the kidnapper must have realized he couldn’t escape because he stopped the vehicle and put the little girl out.
“He stopped at the end of the hill and let her out, and she ran to me and said that she needed her mom,” Temar recounted.
The young girl was found safe and sound.
Jocelyn was reunited with her grateful family by Temar and Chris. Jocelyn’s grandma hugged Temar tightly and exclaimed, “He’s our hero. There are just no words to say.”
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