Javari was excited to go into high school, but he knew he’d have to buy his own school supplies. His mother, Shancy Armstrong, couldn’t afford to foot the bill, and she had three other children who needed things, too.

To help pay for school supplies, Javari came up with a plan. He started going door-to-door offering to wash his neighbors’ cars for $20 a pop.
Eventually, the ambitious teen made his way towards a house shared by Jessica Detrick and her fiancé Jonathan.

In a Facebook post dated August 8, Jessica writes:
“This morning a boy knocked on my door asking to wash my car for $20.”
“I instantly said yes because I’m a sucker for kids.”
As Jessica and Johnathan chatted with Javari they asked him a few questions.
“Johnathan and I proceeded to ask him what he was saving his money up for,” Jessica explained. “He replied ‘school supplies and school clothes’, breaking our hearts into a million pieces.”
The couple asked the boy what he needed for school, and what he wants to be when he grows up. “He is going into his freshman year of high school (we all know how nerve-racking that is),” Jessica recalled. “He wants to be an engineer and he’s the second oldest of four siblings.”
“When asked if there was anything specific he wanted, he replied a nice pair of shoes and a scientific calculator.”
As they took in his answers, they were planning a surprise.
In a video uploaded to Facebook two weeks ago, you see Johnathan leading Javari towards the couple’s car.

As Javari stands by the vehicle, Johnathan leans in and starts pulling brand-new items from the backseat. “We got you a backpack,” he tells Javari, handing him a stylish, army-print school bag.

From there, Johnathan continues, handing Javari everything he could possibly need.
In her post, Jessica says that her boss helped them plan the whole thing, covering her shift and even donating $100 towards the cause.
“We were able to get him a pair of tennis shoes, slides, a packet of socks, 2 binders, 8 packs of notebook paper, pencils, notebooks, a pencil pouch, a scientific calculator, and a book bag.”

In the video, Johnathan tells Javari:
“I just wanted to do something nice for you. You’re a real blessing. I see how much drive you’ve got.”
Since uploading the footage on August 8, Jessica’s video has been viewed more than 8 million times.
If that good deed wasn’t good enough, the couple then used their viral fame to start a Facebook fundraiser. They planned to use the money to buy school supplies for Javari’s three siblings, Terren, Nate, and Ayanna. Since it began, the couple has raised over $4,000.
People are enamored with Jessica and Johnathan’s act of kindness. Comments on the video read:
“Awwww that was so sweet of them”
“Whooa someone is cutting another onion around me. God bless you guys and God bless him too.”
“Aww that is so nice of you and yes starting freshman year is nerve-racking and if more people were willing to help this would be a better place. God Bless this couple for wanting this child to start high school off with a great mindset.”
“He is so happy!!! Good job guys, Blessings!”
Watch the video below!
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