Modern teenagers haven’t left the best impression on the older generations. Compared to teens before them, they are often accused of being spoiled, disrespectful, and lazy— a generation of tech-obsessed narcissists only capable of caring about themselves.
I hope it goes without saying that this stereotype is completely undeserved. Sure, society’s generation of teens has a few bad apples, but what generation doesn’t? With negativity saturating everyday media, there’s no wonder people think of the negative before the good. But every once in a while, you get a story like this that reminds you that kindness and love are still alive and well in this world.
This month, a Texas teen named Louis Jordan got a taste of viral fame for all the right reasons when a candid photo of him was uploaded online.

According to ABC13, the photograph was snapped on a sweltering day in downtown Houston while Jordan was waiting to pick up his mom. While waiting, Jordan had been examining passersby when he noticed an older lady sitting in the heat.
The disabled woman was sitting at the bus stop, her wheelchair completely exposed to the blazing heat. As Jordan watched the woman sweat, he felt the need to help her.
“It was unbearably hot,” he said told ABC13.
“I wouldn’t want to be out there in the sun.”
That’s when Jordan remembered he had an umbrella in his trunk. So he grabbed it from the back of the car and proceeded to walk over and shade her from the sun.
The woman was surprised by the teen’s kind gesture and the two chat as he shielded her from the rays. And when the woman’s bus took longer than expected, Jordan waited with her the entire time
“Come to find out, it ended up being a little longer for her METRO Lift to come get her. So we ended up waiting out here for a good hour or forty-five minutes.”

When Jordan’s mom Bernadette finished work to find her son helping the older lady, she immediately captured the heartwarming moment in a photograph that has since been shared thousands of times.
“I’m a proud mama,” said Bernadette.
“He’s just full of surprises, that’s all I can say.”

Jordan’s act of kindness is a heartwarming reminder that good deeds (and good teens!) still exist in this world. But, considering all that has been going on in the news lately, it’s caused people to reflect on America’s current state. A few comments on the video read:
“it’s kinda sad something so common sense would get this much attention as extraordinary. This is America”
“This is making American great again. Not that punk holding a flag and gun and saying make America great again close to the shooting that took place this morning in texas. I’m all for 2nd amendment but kindness, respect and lots of other things is what will make America great again.”
“Thank you for posting this. For a change it is nice to see something pleasant. Human decency. Kindness. Taking a moment out of your day for the human in your line of sight. Thank you and Thank you again ! ! !”
It sounds like a happy ending, but things get better from here. Jordan and the woman, Michelle, have now formed a friendship— and whenever Jordan sees her, he rushes out with his umbrella to chat and shade her from the sun.
“We laugh, we joke,” Jordan said.
“She’s in a book club. Come to find out she likes pork chops; I owe her some stuffed pork chops,” he laughs.

For Jordan, acts of kindness are a way to remind people that there’s still good in this world. He says he’s been “that person” having a hard time in the past, and now does his best to try and help other people.
“I pray that God allows me to be used every day.”
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