This man had a shopping cart filled with stuffed animals, and his explanation will bring tears of joy to your eyes.
It was a day just like any other for Erica, a teen from Tampa, Florida. On Nov. 22, just a few days before Thanksgiving, she was at her local Walmart and noticed a man with a shopping cart with several dozen stuffed animals. She let her curiosity get the best of her and asked the man about the cart.

According to Erica:
“When I asked him why, my heart became full.”
His answer was so touching that she felt compelled to share the story and this man’s actions on Twitter.
The man explained “that every year he dresses up as Santa & walks the halls of the children’s ER & delivers one to each child.”
Erica concluded by saying:
“This man deserves to be recognized.”
After all, at a time of year when everyone seems to be thinking about themselves and buying more things, this man gives back to children who need some extra comfort. The picture and accompanying message will certainly make your heart full.

A few days after the original post, Erica decided to put its viral nature to even better use.
In a comment on her original post, Erica wrote:
“I decided to keep the act of kindness going! I created a go fund me account to buy stuffed animals and distribute them to kids in hospitals during the holidays!”

This move got mostly positive reactions. After all, as a teen, Erica simply doesn’t have the financial resources to buy dozens of stuffed animals herself. With the GoFundMe, others can help her raise the money and help kids in the ER without going into debt doing so.
Erica’s GoFundMe is titled, “Toys for hospitalized kids @ Xmass,” and she gave it a goal of $1,500. In just four days, five people have already raised $490. One person even contributed $350, enough for dozens and dozens of stuffed animals. You can help her out and spread the love this holiday season by sharing the GoFundMe or donating.
The comments on Erica’s Twitter post let her know that people are very thankful she shared this touching story.
Candy Cane Elaine, for example, thanked Erica for sharing, saying that it needs to be shared, “especially with all the horrible things that go on in this world.”
Although there is some conflicting information in the comments, a few people replied to the post saying that the man in question actually works at the hospital.

Since the man apparently works in the ER, he most likely is very aware of the difficult times the children there are going through. Considering he told Erica he has been doing this for a few years, he likely tried it one year and realized the joy it brought to the kids, then continued the tradition.
The bottom line is that even if the man in the photo only gives a few dozen stuffed animals to the kids in the ER each year, he is inspiring good deeds in others.
His small act brings joy to the kids who get the stuffed animals. Then, those who learn about his actions realize how easy it is to give back and ensure others have a great holiday.
We should all use this man’s actions as inspiration and do whatever we can to help. If you have the money, donate to a program that delivers toys to kids in the hospital or those whose families can’t afford holiday presents.
Or donate those new toys you have lying around your home. If you don’t have money to spare, give up some time to pass out the donations and see kids’ faces light up with a smile.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
I was at Walmart tonight & I saw this man w/ a cart full of stuffed animals. When I asked him why, my heart became full. He told me that every year he dresses up as Santa & walks the halls of the children’s ER & delivers one to each child. This man deserves to be recognized.
— erica. (@erica_lee123) November 23, 2017