“This was a good way for me to get rid of it.”
That’s what Matt Block said after he “lost” his prized possession, his 2004 red Mustang convertible, in the aftermath of the rioting and looting that’s been spreading like wildfire across the country.
But, unlike everyone else out there who woke up to find their storefronts and car windows smashed to pieces, Matt actually plotted with his insurance company to get rid of his car on purpose!
Before you label this guy a douchebag for taking advantage during a crisis, please understand this: his clever “scam” is actually very heartwarming and inspiring!

Recent tensions have brought out both the best and worst in people. Best in the sense that we’re finally waking up to the consequences of inequality, and worst because there are always scumbags out there who will use any disruption as an excuse to wreak havoc on society.
18-year-old high school senior Antonio Gwynn Jr. is definitely not the latter – he’s one of the good guys!
When he saw that his Buffalo, New York neighborhood was littered with glass and debris, he singlehandedly decided to do something about it.
And this one philanthropic act was the catalyst for a flurry of others that soon followed!

Antonio told CNN affiliate WKBW that he was “disgusted” by what he saw, so he grabbed a broom and spent the next 10 hours clearing out the rubbish. He even rented a truck so he could haul away all the garbage bags!
Incredibly, he did this all by himself without any help from others.
As for why he was moved to take action, well, you can blame that behavior on his mother. Even though she passed away in 2018, her influence is obviously still with him.
“It’s something [my late mother] would do probably, because I mainly try to be just like her.”

Antonio’s earnest efforts to clean up his neighborhood didn’t go unnoticed, and this is where 27-year-old Matt and his beloved muscle car come into the picture.
He tracked the teen down on Facebook after seeing the young man’s story in the news. That’s when one of Antonio’s posts caught his eye.
The high school senior was asking for advice on how to buy a car, so Matt decided to make it really easy for him.

Matt wasn’t driving his red convertible very much, but he still had a hard time parting with it. When he heard about what Antonio had done, he decided to gift the car to the young man as a reward for his good deeds.
“I couldn’t come to grips with selling it and this was a good way for me to get rid of it and know someone that gets it is going to appreciate it.”
Not to be outdone in the strangers acting kindly department, Bob Briceland from Briceland Insurance Agency offered Antonio free car insurance for an entire year!

Even Antonio’s mom sneaks back into the picture to pluck everyone’s heartstrings from the great beyond.
“The car he sent me a picture of was the same exact car that my mom first got me. It’s the same color, same everything.”

Hold onto your britches, because this fast-moving, feelgood story still isn’t over yet. Buffalo’s Medaille College also heard about what Antonio had done, so they offered him a free ride of a different sort: a full scholarship!
Here’s what the blessed teen did when he first heard the news:
“I literally stopped, pulled over, and then I started crying, and so did my great-aunt and my little cousin.”

“I always wanted to be someone that can help everyone with their car problems. So this is a great opportunity I have right in front of me.”
Be sure to check out the video below to see how the kindness of strangers always manages to rear its beautiful head right when the world needs it the most!
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