‘It takes a big heart to help shape little minds.’–Unknown
Teaching is not just a profession.
It’s a calling that is fueled by love and passion.

Our beloved teachers give their heart, body, and soul to their work. Months before school starts, they would already spend so much time preparing, not just their lesson plans, but also the classroom that they will be using.
Megan, a public teacher in Florida, went to see her classroom last July.
As per request, Megan asked GMA not to disclose her last name. She told Good Morning America that she took almost six years off of her teaching career to be a full-time mother to her two kids.

Now, she’s more than ready to take on her passion and calling.
Last July, she went to her school to look at her classroom.
She was heartbroken to see a room that looked like a stock room, with tables that didn’t look like they would be appropriate for her students.

“When I decided I was going to back into teaching, I wanted to see what the class had before I spent a ton of money I didn’t have on it,” Teacher Megan told in her interview with Good Morning America.
Can you imagine the shock of her life when she saw a bare room with stock chairs, weird-shaped tables, and empty cabinets?
There were no reference materials, books, or at the least, a decent room to work on.

“When I walked in and saw it, I left in tears. I was supposed to have it ready for kindergarten camp in a week or so,” she added.
Megan took a video to show her mother.
Her mother was also as passionate as her daughter. Megan told in her interview that her mother spent almost a thousand dollars to help her and the students in the first classroom she taught in last 2014.

Then, she also posted her video on her TikTok account, and it surprised her when she found out that it garnered more than 600K views.
The teacher also joined the trend of linking their wish list on Amazon. In her wish list, it read, “This wish list will be used to purchase things for my kindergarten class for the 2022-2023 school year! Thank you for supporting us and helping me to create life-long learners!”
If you are not familiar with the trend, it’s where teachers would post a list of school supplies they need publicly.

Even celebrities share these types of wishlists, which is perfectly sweet of them.
Many people are not aware, but public school teachers often face a similar situation as they begin another school year.
These teachers don’t have anyone to rely on except themselves.

Most of the time, they use their savings and their salaries to buy all the things that they need for the coming school year.
Luckily, in Megan’s case, after a few days of sharing her link, people started donating, and around the time she posted her update, 70% of the needed school things had been bought.
She was so happy to see that within days, everything they need is slowly being completed.

“All students deserve everything, but my kiddos are Title 1,” she explained.
Teacher Megan was referring to the designation for schools where high percentages of the students are from low-income families.
They, too, deserve a proper classroom. They all deserve to learn comfortably.

“I don’t know if they’re going home to nice things and I really want them to have that here,” Teacher Megan added.
Just yesterday, Teacher Megan posted another update and you won’t even recognize the once empty room.
We’re pretty sure her students would be so happy to see their classroom.

Like many other teachers, Megan loves her profession and her students even more.
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