Acts of Kindness
Teacher Writes Inspirational Note To Students That Quickly Goes Viral
This teacher wrote an inspirational note to her students. You need to read this teacher's note. There's a reason it's gone viral!
Patricia Lynn

One Queensland, Australia teacher from Bowen State School went above and beyond her job and crafted an incredible letter to her incoming fourth-grade class. Understanding that starting a new year is an often daunting task for students, she wanted to make her class feel confident and comfortable when they were learning. In order to share this message with the new class, she posted a letter on the outside of some welcome goodie bags given to every new student.


The letter she wrote on the goodie bag has been transcribed below:

“I am so glad that you’re here. Here is a little goodie bag to help kick off the year. The eraser is to remind you that it is ok to make mistakes. We’ll work and learn together, no matter what it takes. The stickers mean we’ll stick together and work hard as a team. The puzzle shows how we fit together, working towards a common theme. The bookmark is to show you-you always have a place. If you ever feel a little lost we’ll help you find your space. The smarties are to remind you how smart I think you are. Work hard and do your best. Remember to aim far!”

Sometimes it takes a little something extra to reach out to new students that may be shy or uncomfortable moving into a new space for the year. Teachers like this one show that little gestures and some thought can go a long way in the education of children. Not only would every child be incredibly exciting to receive some unexpected gifts, but the message behind all the things she put in the bag really show how willing she is to help these students grow and learn in a comfortable and safe space.


The training spokesman for the Queensland Department of Education gave a statement regarding this teacher’s actions as well.

“This is a great example of the welcoming atmosphere Bowen State School teachers and staff created for students as they started the school year. The school’s dedicated teachers came up with a range of ways to make new and returning students feel welcomed and confident for the year ahead,” the spokesman stated.

When a picture of the letter on the goodie bag was shared on Facebook, the internet went crazy over it. The care and thought this teacher was clearly investing in her class was respected from people all over the world, and the post garnered over fourteen thousand likes.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

[Source: ABC NEWS]
