Tap dancers tip their cowboy hats before performing fiery country routine
Country + tap = perfect combo.
Winona Thomas

Have you ever tried watching a school play where the kids perform a tap dance? Perhaps you tried performing in one too. If you did, then you know that tap dancing is a fun and upbeat dance style that anyone can learn.

But, did you know that tap dance originated in 1845 during the crossroads of African and Irish American dance forms? It did! When slave owners took away traditional African percussion instruments, slaves turned to percussive dancing to retain their cultural identities. It was mixed with clog dancing from the British Isles, hence tap dancing was formed.

Back then, tap shoes were made of wooden soles. During the early 20th century, the shoes evolved wherein is uses metal plates (called “taps”) on the heel and toe. It has gained popularity over the years.

Actually, the master of tap dancing was a man named William Henry.

Still today, tap dancing is a popular form of dance. You see it performed in movies, schools, plays, and many more. Usually, dancers do a routine using jazz music. But, a group of tappers chose something different.

We can say that they did something very country.

Country music and tap dancing

A group of tappers created an interesting performance by performing a tap dance using country music. And it has gone viral!


As of writing, the video has more than 1.6 million views on YouTube, 9.5 thousand likes and 198 comments.

The video showcases tap dancers from 2013 dressed up in their finest cowboy/cowgirl outfits, white boots, and complete with hat, to perform a sensational tap routine.

Starting their performance


With everyone watching them, the tap dancers bow their hands as they wait for the song to start. As soon as the song “Country Road” begins to play, the tap dancers take a step forward. With a smile on their face, they do some foot stops while clapping their hands.

At first, the steps and the beat were a bit subdued. When the drum began to beat, the girls gave way for the guys.

First the guys


The male dancers started tapping and clapping as they move forward and backwards. Next, the ladies followed. The song changes into a fast-paced version which the dancers performed amazing tap footwork.

Clogging dance moves


When the song changes, the guys started to do the clogging technique. With their hands on their side, the ladies followed. Their moves were well-executed and it was beautiful watching them as a group.

Even though they’re of different heights, their kicks, hand moves and body positions were in synch. For any dance genre, that’s not an easy task to accomplish. But they did it perfectly!


The tap dancers did a series of dance moves evolving holding someone’s hand or arms and twirling.

It was super fun to watch as they clap their hands and form different formation.

Hold on, there’s another group of dancers?

After the first group of dancers perform their routine, another group started to take the stage. These group of tappers were wearing red and black long sleeves and skirt.


This group of dancers chose a very upbeat and lively song. The crowd went wild as they started tapping and doing their routine.

It was amazing watching them move on stage with a smile on their face.


They danced in pairs and in groups.

Two different routines

The first and second group were truly amazing to watch. The only difference is the second group’s routine were mostly couples’ moves. For tap dancing, this makes it more challenging. However, they made it look so easy.

You can watch the whole video below. Who knows? you may start tapping too.

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