The next time you find yourself in one of those massive public pools or at the beach, take a few seconds to look around. You never know when you could save a life.
With everyone to happy and busy swimming about, kids tend to get overwhelmed by the water. And being smaller, they can’t really fight off the current and swim to safety.
Thank the heavens for lifeguards.
This one is at Whirlin’ Waters Adventure Park, a wave pool in North Charleston, South Carolina. Look how occupied everyone is while a little girl is on the verge of drowning.
No way could she fight off the artificial waves caused by a machine.
A quick whistle later and a lifeguard immediately jumps in to save the little girl. Amazing jump too as he didn’t hit a single person there. Not a single man or woman saw the child drowning. Think about that for a second.
In the same pool, another kid can be seen struggling to stay afloat in the deep end.
A whistle and a jumping lifeguard once again intervenes to save the youngster.
See, even though kids have swimming lessons, they’re just not strong enough to fight off a current yet. Moms and dads should keep an eye out for their kids when swimming. All the time.
At a local beach, this girl was seen struggling against the waves even though there was a father with his daughter just a few feet away from her. If kids find it difficult to swim in pools, imagine what mother nature feels like to them.
A lifeguard paddles out on his board and his GoPro captures his dramatic rescue of the poor little girl.
We don’t really see any posts asking people to apply as lifeguards.
But it really is an extremely important job.
They train hard to dedicate themselves in the service of saving lives.
A lifeguard’s duties are to,
- Enforce rules to prevent problems/injuries
- Maintain concentrated observation of the duty area and its users in to anticipate problems (this will enable the lifeguard to intervene with one of the drowning prevention measures) and to identify an emergency quickly.
- Supervise the use of other equipment when allocated to that duty (such as water slides or any other activities taking place)
- Effect rescues and initiate other emergency action as necessary
- Give immediate first aid in the event of injury to a bather or other incident
- Communicate with bathers and other users to fulfill the above tasks
- Help clean areas around pool or beach to ensure the safety of patrons
It has to be said that mental toughness and incredible physical conditioning are requirements.
These kids are not ever going to forget the brave lifeguards who went in for them.
Let’s hope the parents thanked these selfless guys too. The next time you find yourself at the beach, pay attention to the lifeguards.
Give them a shout out and a thank you for their service.
Check out the chilling rescue in the video below!
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