School cafeteria workers don’t always get the respect they deserve.
They work hard cooking and serving food to students all day, and most of them don’t even get a smile. One group of kids decided that their cafeteria worker deserved better.
A group of students at Bishop Manogue High School partnered with an organization called “DUDE. be nice” and worked to create a special surprise for their cafeteria worker, Lynn. She noticed that the students had been posting DUDE. be nice flyers and stickers all over the school, but she didn’t know what they were for.

Lynn assumed they were for a project or that the school was getting ready to welcome a presenter of some sort.
Little did she know, they were preparing something special for her. All the signs and decorations were in preparation for a special event in her honor.
The DUDE. be nice Project is an undercover attempt to find people who are doing good in their community and deserve recognition for it. It was created to show that there are good people everywhere and to prove that good deeds do not go unnoticed.
The students realized that they may not have been as appreciative toward Lynn as she deserved, and they knew this was a great way to thank her for all her hard work and dedication to her job.

Lynn is originally from Tennessee but works at a high school in Reno, Nevada.
The students decided that the best way to reward Lynn was to serve her a good meal. They wanted to remind her of her home, so they made a traditional Tennessee-style barbecue meal. They served her ribs, cornbread, macaroni salad, and baked beans, which they knew was her favorite.
The students also found out that Lynn’s mother was sick in Tennessee. Lynn said during an interview that she tried to visit her mom at least once a year and would like to go more, but the cost of the flights is too expensive. The students took care of that, too. They helped get her a Southwest Airlines gift card, so she could fly home to visit her sick mom.

They surprised her during lunch.
They brought in a special table and her special meal and asked her to sit and eat it. All the students involved wore their DUDE. be nice shirts. Each one of them also brought her a rose to put in the vase on the table and had a chance to hug her and tell her how much they appreciate her.

Lynn was thrilled and very surprised.
They also start cheering, “We love Lynn!” She cried tears of joy when she received the airline gift card and was overwhelmed by it all. She definitely didn’t expect it. These students not only showed Lynn how much she means to them but also showed the world that their generation can do great things and make people feel great.

DUDE. be nice shares these stories on its website.
It has helped hundreds of other people recognize special individuals and groups in their community. The plan is to help many others just like Lynn, and hopefully, improve the world one community at a time.
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