Any parent will tell you that shopping trips with kids can easily turn into complete nightmares.
No matter how well-behaved your kids are, they have meltdowns now and then. It doesn’t mean they are bad, it just means they are kids who don’t know how to express themselves any other way.

A lot of people, including other parents, like to pretend that their kids have never thrown fits on them in public, but most people know better.
Still, when you’re a parent and your child is screaming and crying, and people are giving you dirty looks, it makes you doubt your parenting skills.
One woman, Rebecca Patterson, was struggling to keep her kids sidetracked while she got everything she needed at Target. She had her infant and toddler with her, and at first, things were going OK. Soon, the baby started crying, and it wasn’t long before the toddler chimed in. Both were eventually screaming at the tops of their lungs, and while Mom was trying everything to get them to stop, she wasn’t having much luck.

She only had two hands, and consoling two children isn’t easy.
A lot of people watched as the kids cried and whined, and many of them gave her dirty looks and even shook their heads. She knew she needed to get out of there fast. She said:
“I started putting things away on the shelf and was about to leave when she came over to help.”
She started to put all of her things back on the shelf, so she could push the cart out with the crying babies, when she heard a voice from behind her.
The voice asked:
“Do you need some help?”
It was a woman named Tiffany Guillory, whom Rebecca had never met before. She was offering to help her with her children, so she could finish her shopping. Rebecca wasn’t sure what to do or say. She desperately wanted help, but could she really let a stranger step in and help with her children?

She agreed, and Tiffany picked up the upset toddler and started to rock him to calm him down.
Rebecca worked to get the baby calm and managed to snack a photo of the stranger holding her toddler. She couldn’t believe that this woman had volunteered to help her and that the toddler wasn’t even opposed to it.
Rebecca explained:
“She walked with me while I got the essentials needed for the day and kept hold of my toddler while he calmed down.”

So many people in the store were judging her and giving her mean looks, but yet this stranger offered to help.
She was amazed and very grateful. Once the children were calm, Rebecca thanked Tiffany, and the two women parted ways. It wasn’t until Rebecca got home that she thought about sharing the photo she had snapped in the store.
She wanted the world to know how kind Tiffany was step up to help her in her time of need, and she thought that the woman deserved some recognition. Tiffany eventually saw the photo of herself and talked about the incident, as well.
Tiffany said that she was happy to help and would do it again in a second.
She described the woman’s reaction to her offer:
“I said, ‘Do you need some help’ and (she) never said anything but her motion was like ‘Yes!’”

Rebecca considers Tiffany an angel for stepping in and helping her that day.
Tiffany is definitely a considerate and kind person. More people should step in and help like she did, and maybe the world would be a little bit better. Rebecca will never forget this act of kindness.
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