Having a child is a huge decision in life. You want everything to be as perfect as possible, despite the reality that things will NEVER be perfect for a kid (as long as we live on earth, at least)!
We go to extreme lengths to make sure that the house is ready, the things are childproofed, and we have read the best books on parenting out there. Unfortunately, no matter how much planning we do, there is always something unexpected that comes up.

Wendy Norman had an extra layer of deliberation when it came to having a kid.

Wendy had decided to use a sperm donor to have a child and was preparing for the event! Using a sperm donor has a very deliberate and specific process to give as much control over to the parent as possible. Part of that process involves a description of the donor and some characteristics that are noteworthy.
When Wendy picked her donor, it appeared like she had hit the jackpot.

From the looks of things, Wendy’s donor was going to be the next world leader! He was a 6 foot-four college athlete that had an IQ of 160 and was studying neuroscience engineering! All these factors added up to create the ideal candidate on paper, and Wendy was blown away by how awesome this match was.
Years later, Wendy has an 18-year-old son, and life seemed to be great!

Wendy was always up-front with her son about his dad. From her point of view, there was nothing to be ashamed of! Alex’s dad was an incredible individual that was probably out there saving the world through some crazy new research! As it turned out, however, sperm donor 9623 wasn’t the man he claimed to be.
Alex’s pride in his dad was, unfortunately, ill-founded.

Donor 9623 later came to light as a man named Chris that had a past longer than a CVS receipt. Chris was a college dropout and frequented jail because of an attempted burglary and schizophrenic episodes. The 6’4 genius scientist was just a normal guy with mental health issues.
When the information came to light, Wendy and Alex were shocked.

Originally, they didn’t want to believe the news. To have your entire understanding of life flipped around so quickly is staggering and hard to comprehend. Slowly, however, things began to make sense. Growing up, Alex struggled with serious mental health issues that severely strain Wendy as a mom.

When the story broke, more people than just Alex were affected.

Chris’s sperm had been used to father more than 36 children from the bank! Alex literally had three-dozen half brothers and sisters in the world, most of which were tricked into thinking their dad was someone else! Chris eventually talked about the situation on a podcast and, thankfully, apologized.
“I hope that the families involved, and [particularly the children involved, can find it in their hearts to forgive me. I know they must feel like I betrayed their trust. I feel terrible about it. I really do. I’m sorry.” – Inside Edition

Currently, Alex and Wendy are in a legal battle with the donor bank.
With all they have been through, Wendy decided to sue the sperm bank that she used with Chris’s profile. They are hoping to convict them of fraud and bring some peace to many of the families that have been affected by the illegitimate claims.

Learn more about their story in the video below!
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