Michael Luangrath’s mom, Daovanh Luangrah, lost her home in the last economic downturn.
The fact that she regularly worked 13-hour shifts, seven days a week without ever taking a day off in 30 years didn’t save her from financial ruin.

Michael says that Las Vegas was one of the hardest-hit cities during the Great Recession.
That coupled with Daovonah’s mounting medical bills from Daovonah fighting off cancer, forced Daovonah to have to sell her home.
“Everything my mom worked for — all that work — just came tumbling down,” he said.

Daovonah ended up moving into a small apartment. But Michael wasn’t content with this.
“When I walk through where she stays, I can’t help but tear up,” Michael said.
Michael wasn’t about to let this be the end of that story. Yahoo! Life says that Michael had been saving for a downpayment on a house since he was a senior in college.

So, six years after his mother lost her home, he was able to buy her a new one.
Daily Mail, who says that Michael is a blogger, said that the sale went through on Mother’s Day.
Michael documented his journey in a video on YouTube which was viewed more than 6 million times.

Michael wrote in the video’s caption:
“For years, one of the goals of mine was always to provide my mother with something she worked so hard for and lost.
This is the first house I ever purchased and I wanted to give my mother a home before myself because she deserves it the most.
It’s been a long time coming and I just wanted to share this special moment with you.”
He said he also wanted to honor all the other hard-working mothers out there.

Michael says that his mom isn’t only the first person who ever loved him, but she’s also his hero.
That’s why he quit school and his job to take care of her and her business while she had cancer.
He said it was very difficult to see her deteriorate and stay strong during this time.

Michael also interviewed his mom in the video he was making. He told her they were making a commercial for her store.
She told the camera that she’d love to take a trip to Hawaii someday.
But what she really wanted was a house.
Not a large house. Just a house, even if it was small.

Thankfully, Michael was able to make his mother’s dream come true.
That’s when he told the camera that he was “signing his life away” for his mother.
“I love you!” he said. “Happy Mother’s Day.”

It was down to the wire but the sale went through in time for Mother’s Day.
“He is a real man. If a man loves his mother, he’ll never abuse his wife or any other women. God bless you,” wrote one YouTube commenter.
“That a wonderful son you are and how kind you are to your wonderful mom. The love the two of you share must be incredibly special,” said another.
Check out his mom’s heartwarming reaction in the video below!
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Source: Diymike, Daily Mail, Yahoo!