Serving in the military requires a huge sacrifice–not only for the soldier but for their family as well.
They put their lives at risk in order to maintain the freedom of this country and we are forever grateful to them.
Their bravery doesn’t go unnoticed.
However, this means spending months and years away from their family without a guarantee that they will be coming home at all.
So when soldiers do return home from their deployment, it is always a joyous occasion.
It is such a special moment, in fact, that many families have decided to film the return of their loved ones in order to capture the beautiful surprise on camera to enjoy for years to come.
Their reunions are a beautiful thing.
These videos tend to go viral because of the raw emotion that they display.
One lucky sister, Amanda Williams, is a recent recipient of one of these heartwarming surprises.
She has no idea.
Amanda is in high school and her older brother had been deployed overseas for most of the year.
However, he was able to come home for a little while to visit with family and enjoy the Christmas holiday with them.
His sister, Amanda, didn’t know that he would be coming home.
On the day of his return, Amanda went to school just like it was any other day.
She is a cheerleader and had to go to cheerleading practice that particular day.
Her normal day took a quick turn.
While going over her routine in the gym with her other teammates, Amanda was treated to the surprise of her life.
Mid routine, Amanda breaks form and starts running and screaming towards the door.
Look at the joy on her face.
When the camera pans over, we see her brother standing there in the doorway, wearing his military uniform.
She couldn’t reach him fast enough.
Amanda wastes no time jumping into his arms and wrapping her arms and legs tightly around him.
Nothing has to be said between the two siblings as Amanda starts to cry and her brother just holds onto her.
He was barely even able to make it into the gym before his sister smothered him.
He walks into the gym with her as she clings tightly to her brother.
The joy is palpable.
The emotion is obvious on his face, as well.
His eyes are closed and he seems to be holding onto Amanda just as tightly as she is holding onto him.
Their bond is thick.
Although the rest of her cheerleading crew can’t be seen in the video, there’s no doubt that they are also touched by this incredible moment.
If you happen to be the family member or spouse of a soldier that is overseas, then you know just how amazing it feels to see that person that you love so much back home and safe.
It’s a reminder to cherish the important people in our lives and never take any moment that we have with them for granted.
Soldier or not, time is short.
See this heartwarming reunion in the video below!
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