Our soldiers spend months or even years away from their families, and they often miss out on important events, such as the birth of a baby, the first day of school, graduations, or wedding ceremonies.
Unfortunately, despite the benefits joining the army offers and the pride soldiers feel since they have the chance to serve their country, deployment comes with much loneliness.

Joining the military might offer some advantages in terms of career, money, and travel, but at the same time, it comes with a major disadvantage: being away from your family for a long time. This often results in depression and a feeling of detachment from your loved ones, and it often needs lots of work with oneself to overcome it.
One of the most important events that sometimes soldiers miss is the birth of a child.
Knowing that your wife is pregnant and due any day, it feels really bad to not be able to share those emotional moments with her. Imagining your better half going through the pain and hardships of labor without you to support her by her side, sure makes you regret your decision to join the military.

But, thankfully, those military wives more often than not have supportive families around them that try to help them for as long as their husbands are away from home.
Just like Andrew and Skyla Broussard, who had to live separated for about a year, when Andrew was deployed in the Middle East in 2019.
Andrew and Skyla were high-school sweethearts and, after graduation, they realized they wanted to spend their lives together, so they decided to get married.

Soon after getting married, Skyla, 25, found out she was pregnant. Andrew, 24, received the news with great excitement, and he couldn’t wait to hold their baby boy in his arms in a few months.
But, as it often happens, life had other plans for them. In fact, Andrew wouldn’t even be close to his wife when she would give birth to their first child.
The man was deployed in Kuwait when Skyla was six months pregnant, and the two decided that they would do their best to make their relationship work even being so many miles apart for a long time.

Thanks to technology, the couple managed to keep in touch through phone and video calls. In fact, Andrew even managed to be present during his wife’s labor through video call.
Over the next eight months, Skyla kept sending Andrew countless photos of their son, while they also chatted, but nothing can really replace the physical presence of each other they were missing.
Eventually, in January 2020, Andrew got the news that he was soon headed home.

In the video below, you can see the man entering a hangar at Alexandria International Airport, Louisiana. In no time, he spots his wife and 8-month-old son, who are waiting for him excitedly.

The man decisively walks towards them, and when he gets close enough, he hugs and kisses his beloved wife, who couldn’t wait for his return. Then, he takes his son in his arms and he really can’t hold back his tears.

This reunion is so heartwarming. It really brought teats in our eyes.
You can watch the emotional family reunion in the video below.
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