Big Sister Sweetly Cuddles Her Newborn Brother
I think it’s safe to say she loves him very much. <3
Colby Maxwell

Is sibling rivalry still a thing?


Growing up, people all across the world have had to learn to contend with their brothers and sisters for their parent’s attention. Sibling rivalry is defined as:

“a type of competition or animosity among siblings, whether blood-related or not. Siblings generally spend more time together during childhood than they do with parents” – Wikipedia

If you have siblings, you fully understand the hilarious arguments and fights that you get into with your brothers and sisters.

The data shows that kids can feel different treatment, starting at the age of one.


The reasons for siblings not getting along can be as varied as one of them being hungry, to stark personality differences. Regardless of the reason, studies show that kids can feel different treatments from their parents starting around their first birthday.

According to observational studies by Judith Dunn, children are sensitive from the age of one year to differences in parental treatment.

Thankfully, babies usually get a grace period.


When there is already a kid in the house who can talk and communicate, bringing a baby in is usually received with some excitement. Babies are special in the sense that older siblings don’t have a chance to feel jealous or argue with the little human. When babies get older, however, things start to change.

For the first little bit, at least, moms and dads can relax knowing their kids aren’t fighting.


With the invention of cell phones, parents now have ways to video these sweet interactions between older siblings and newborns. Even if these videos are only used to prove that the two did, in fact, get along at some point, they are wonderful to watch!

One little girl got to meet her new baby brother for the first time.


One family was able to capture a sweet and magical moment on video. Before the sibling rivalries, before the fights, and before the arguments, this brother and sister were getting along splendidly. The video is sure to be used by the parents in the future to show the two loved each other.

Daisy is the little girl and Bobby is the boy.


The video opens up with a little girl named Daisy. Daisy is holding a tiny and very newborn little baby. Even though the baby is about half as long as she is, Daisy holds her little brother like her life depends on it. She nuzzles his head into her neck and sits there, patting his back while he sleeps.

Plopping a kiss on his head, the bond between the two is obvious.


With a little kiss and some more snuggles, little Bobby has woken up and is going to town on his pacifier. With her little brother awake, Daisy takes it upon herself to put him back to sleep. Patting his back, Daisy gently holds her little brother.

“Look at your beautiful face.”


In the cutest moment yet, Daisy looks at the human she is holding in her hand and says, “Look at that beautiful face.” While the two may have a long few years of well-meaning sibling fights and feuds ahead of them, at least they have wonderful memories like this one to look back on.

Check out the video below!

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