Acts of Kindness
Teen Brings Brother To High School
When Candice called her daughter to pick her brother up from day care, she expected her to go home after. But her daughter went somewhere else entirely
D.G. Sciortino

Most teenagers who get the chance to skip out on class will do so in a heart beat. Especially, if their parents give them permission.

However, Candice Curry’s daughter, Stiles, not only left school to fulfill a responsibility and attend to a family emergency but she came back to school after it was over.

I mean, what teenager wants to go back to school when they don’t even have to?

Stiles did. And we think that makes her pretty awesome. Stiles’ parents asked her to pick her 3-year-old brother up from his day care center while she was in the middle of her school day, according to PopSugar.

Candice assumed that her daughter would return to their home with the 3-year-old, but after checking out Snapchat she realized that that didn’t happen. Stiles didn’t want to miss class so she took her little brother to her high school class with her so she could resume the school day while he slept in her arms.

Candice was so touched by her daughter’s act that she posted a heartfelt tribute to her daughter on social media.

“My daughter, Stiles, is a great teenager and I’m lucky to be her mama,” Candice told POPSUGAR.

The post was reposted onto the Love What Matters Facebook page where it has now gone viral with more than 98,000 likes and 4,700 shares.

Love What Matters
Love What Matters

Candice was proud to see that her teenager had all of her responsibilities covered.

“I’m either the worst mom in the world or totally nailing it,” she wrote.

Here is Candice’s full post in its entirety:

“We had a family emergency type situation today that required our teenager to leave school early and pick up her little brother from his school. I thought she took him home until I saw her snapchat.
Instead of missing class she actually took her three year old brother back to high school with her and let him sleep on her while she finished her last class of the day.

I’m not sure on the legalities here or what kind of rules were broken but I also just don’t care. My sweet teenager helped her family out and returned to her other responsibility while snuggling her baby brother.

I’m either the worst mom in the world or totally nailing it. Please don’t tell me which one , let me live in ignorant bliss while I stare at this picture.

Life is short. These are the moments that make it so incredibly sweet.”

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