Quarantine life wasn’t exactly what any of us had in mind when going into this year. But apparently, 2020 had other things in store.
While the entire world was advised to stay confined in our homes, so many people struggled to stay sane.

Especially families who also had to keep their kids occupied indoors while schools were closed. You could say this year has been an insanely stressful one.
But during these desperate times, kindness has reminded us all that there is still goodness in the world.

A single dad named Sam Smith felt all kinds of emotions during lockdown with his 6-year-old son, Lysander, and 3-year-old son, Zenduel.
The three of them were quarantined on the 15th floor of their small one-bedroom apartment in East London.

Sam told BBC,
“It was just 12 steps from one side of the room to the other, and probably 8 or 10 width wise”
With all of the neighborhood, parks closed that’s meant the Smiths haven’t had much of an escape, besides when they go out for groceries.
But Sam kept a positive spirit for his sons. They made the best out of what they had, enjoying the simple things.

Zenduel and Lysander even got creative on the walls, because what else are kids supposed to do? But one interview with BBC Breakfast was about to bless the Smith’s a beautiful surprise.
Sam was interviewed by BBC to talk about life in a small space during quarantine, when a couple watching heard their story.

Ken and Shiela Sims were so moved by The Smith’s BBC interview that they decided to offer them a special place to stay… At their beach cottage by the English seaside!
Sam graciously accepted their offer and headed straight towards The Sim’s beach home in North Devon.

Zenduel and Lyssander now had all the space in the world to roam and enjoy some fresh beach air. Ken Sim’s explained to BBC that he had also grown up in an East London apartment complex.
Ken also added he couldn’t imagine going through a pandemic during that time in his life.

So the least he could do was offer the Smith’s a beach house getaway. Sam was beyond grateful for Ken and Sheila’s kindness.
He watched his sons run and adventure more in one hour on the beach than they had the first month of quarantine.

Understandably, he got a little choked up while talking about their amazing gesture
“I can’t find the words. It’s just overwhelming,”
“To see them what they are doing now,”
“Just run wild. Beautiful.”
Being a single parent is one of the most difficult jobs someone can have.
Parenting with a partner is already no walk in the park, but doing it all alone is its own struggle.

A study by gingerbread.org.uk showed that there are 1.8 million single parents in the UK, which make up nearly a quarter of families with dependent children. It’s no easy feat to raise a child on your own, that’s for sure. As for Sam, he continues to raise his sons with a positive and nurturing attitude.
There’s no question that Zenduel and Lyssander have the most kind-hearted dad around.

It warms my heart to know people like Ken and Shiela Sim exist. They opened their doors for Sam and his boys, just out of the kindness of their hearts.
That simple gift meant the entire world to The Smith family and makes us recognize all of the things we might take for granted.

Even if it is just an extra room to take a breather in, it’s something to be thankful for.
This story is sure to warm your heart. Watch the full video below!
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