Acts of Kindness
Shop Owner Saves Dog Kicked In Face
Who could do something like this to a dog? Thank goodness he was there to save him!
Alex Scarr

A local shop owner saw a horrifying sight while tending to his store; a man kicking his dog so hard, it flew into the air.

Michael Lamb, 42, saw what was going on from his shop across the road and immediately rushed over to confront the heartless owner. The U.K. resident Lamb said he could hear shouting and barking coming from inside the house, as the man had run inside after the incident.

Shocked witnesses looked on, hoping Lamb could defuse the situation and successfully take the dog away from its abusive owner. The man had kicked the dog so forcefully, it left blood splatters on the pavement.

Police were notified of the incident, and they released a statement saying they were aware and would investigate. But in the meantime, the man had no business having the dog.

“My main care was for that dog,” Lamb told the Liverpool Echo. “I’m a father and I’ve got a little daughter. I was getting messages after the attack saying, ‘Do you know about this fella?’ and I did. I thought ‘I’m not having this.’”

And so after confronting him, Lamb was able to retrieve the small animal from the hands of his malicious owner. Lamb took in the light brown Jack Russell terrier, named him “Sconehead,” and worked to rehabilitate him and make him feel comfortable.

“I can’t move for him, he follows me around,” says Lamb. “He still growls and is a bit nervous but he is a completely different dog from last night. He thinks he owns the gaff.”

Now, though, the real search begins. Lamb was notified the dog was now his and is looking for a good-hearted owner to take him in, for he already has a dog of his own. When Sconehead’s story went viral, Lamb said he was flooded with requests to adopt the dog but has patiently waited for the perfect home. After all, Sconehead deserves it.

After some deliberation, Lamb found a local shop owner just a few doors from his own that would make the perfect owner.

“I know the girl who is going to have him I wouldn’t just give him to anyone. I have had that many people asking and saying ‘I will have him, I will have’ him but this way I can see him every day,” Lamb said, slightly wistful at the thought of parting with his newfound friend.

“I’m devastated. I’m going to miss him.”

But for Sconey, he will have a new, loving home that he so deserves. His new owner is thinking of naming his “Mick” after his rescuer.

“Sconehead,” “Mick,” or otherwise, the dog is safe, happy, and healthy.

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