Acts of Kindness
Mom Gets "Makeunder"
She spent two decades getting augmentations to her body and she spent hours every morning getting ready. Finally, her children told her it was enough - and look at her now.
Cedric Jackson

The story of Dawn Williams’ “makeunder” will inspire you.

Seven years ago, Dawn took pride in looking different from all other mothers in the neighborhood. According to Inspire More, she relished in the attention she received for looking similar to Pamela Anderson. Strangers approached her and asked if she was a celebrity – she loved it.

Over the course two decades, Dawn got hair extensions, implants, eyelash extensions, lip fillers, and Botox. Dawn dedicated hours every morning to makeup and hair.

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Her children were not supportive.

Dawn herself reached a point where she admitted to overdoing it. She, however, felt comfortable with all the augmented changes to her body. Her children, on the other hand, found their mother embarrassing.

She dedicated decades to crafting her body into what she viewed as the perfect woman. However, she did not want her children disappointed in her. It was their embarrassment that ultimately motivated Dawn to change.

Carson Kressley helped her get to a place where her children were proud of her again.

Helping her was a process that started with removing the layers of makeup and extensions from her body.

He affectionately called the process her “makeunder.” In addition to removing the make-up and extension, Carson asked Dawn to stop wearing revealing clothing.

As Carson worked with Dawn, she revealed her extensions, plastic surgery, and makeup served as comforts and safety nets. She hinted she was an overweight child and her extensions and makeup shielded her from feeling the way she did as a child.

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After stripping her of her layers and encouraging her to walk around without her layers of makeup and extensions, he helped her find herself underneath it all.

Today, Dawn is a new woman.

After completing Carson’s “makeunder” process, Dawn revealed her new look for the first time on Oprah’s stage. This was the first time her children saw their mother with her new look. Little Things described the look as “softer and more delicate.”

In the video posted on YouTube, viewers agreed looked “much better” without her layers of comfort. One commented, “Wow what a huge difference! She looks prettier and younger, and classy now. Sexy but in a good way. Fantastic makeover.”

A second noted Dawn was even beautiful without makeup before Carson gave her a “makeunder.”

One person commented on how Dawn hardly looked like a “real person” before the “makeunder.”

“She looked like a cartoon before. I see women just like that every, single day at the gym. The sad thing is, men like the cartoon look better.”

There were, however, a few people who noted she now had the “boring” mother look. Some even noted Carson shouldn’t give advice, as he had plastic surgery too.

Several other people chimed in with how sad it was that women don’t feel beautiful unless they wear makeup and spend hours primping and polishing their hair.


The question most have by the end of the story is whether Dawn stuck with her transformed appearance.

In her “Where Are They Now” segments, Oprah frequently checks in on guests from her show to see how they are doing. In Dawn’s case, Oprah wanted to see if she maintained her new look. Unfortunately for those who wished the best for Dawn, she returned to her old ways just eight months after her transformation.

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Five years later, Oprah decided to check in on Dawn again to see if things changed. Dawn revealed she married in the “perfect Cinderella wedding” and adopted a son. Then, she opened up about an accident she was in about a year prior. She fell down a flight of stairs and ended up in the hospital on life support for a period.

Through a series of ups and downs over the last few years, Dawn believes she lives her life in a more respectful way then she did a few decades ago. While she did revert to her original appearance, Dawn is happier and appreciates her life more than she used to.

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