Contrary to what most people think, working as a waiter isn’t easy. It’s physically hard and mentally challenging. Every day, you’ll meet people who’ll test not just your patience but your commitment to your work. You may even find yourself thinking about quitting for good.
If you’re having a really rough day at work, check out these 50 waiters who clearly know how to use their sense of humor to turn their day around.
1. How do you like them lemons?
Are those enough lemons for you, guy? Apparently, this waiter was close to snapping when he got the demand for more lemons for a table’s water glasses. He made his point — they won’t be asking for any more lemons tonight. And maybe they’ll leave him a nice tip when they leave.
Rather than take his customer’s comment as a threat, this waiter decided to capitalize on it. He brought three pickles to make sure all of the places he hated were wiped off the face of the earth. Of course, we’re pretty sure the customer was joking. He can’t do that … probably.
3. This guy should get together with the small check waitress.
A German waiter apparently thought this was just hilarious. When his customer asked for a small beer, he really delivered, in a tiny little beer stein. It just goes to show that dad jokes are alive and well all over the world. Or maybe the Germans are just very literal people.
4. He takes his debts very seriously.
Don’t challenge this waiter on anything: he knows exactly what’s going on. After he dropped a single fry on the way to the table, he made good on what he owed and delivered a singular replacement fry. Don’t ask for anything else from him … especially when it comes to fries.
5. But it’s a very artistic nothing.
This boy insisted he didn’t want anything for dessert. That’s where he went wrong in the first place, because who doesn’t want dessert? But his waiter took his response and ran with it, delivering up a beautiful plate of, well … nothing. The boy’s family was pretty amused — him, not so much.
6. In other words, be a grownup and wait your turn!
Servers have to deal with a lot of grabby customers. In case you didn’t know, you’re not your waitress’s only table: she’s also trying to juggle drinks, appetizers, meals, and napkins for several other people at the same time. This server has a great tool at her disposal for making sure her customers wait their turn to get her attention.
7. This is what happens when a dad joke gets dad-joked.
When the son’s father asked their waitress for a “very small check”, she was happy to oblige. Of course, she beat him at his own game. Call it into the record books, everyone: the dad joke has finally been defeated. We can only assume dad immediately fainted from the shock.
8. The barista doesn’t care for your jokes, pal.
This guy only wanted to enjoy a latte at the coffee shop, but his friend was having none of it. As he was putting his order in, the friend decided to let him know that he thought lattes were only for … well, a word that means both “coward” and “cat”. The barista overheard and was happy to provide his own interpretation of the words with some amazing latte art.
9. This takes some real dedication.
This waitress knew she was working her last shift before leaving her job at the restaurant. The only thing to do, of course, was to make her own version of her “Last Supper”. She got 12 very willing friends to help her, and their dedication is amazing. Nice touch on the basket of nachos, too.
10. If you can’t handle your cup, you lose the privilege of a cup.
He might be a grown man with a full beard but after his waitress saw him knock over his cup of orange juice, she wasn’t taking any more chances. Just to be on the safe side, she brought him a cup with a lid and a straw. After all, she’s the one who has to clean up the spills other people leave behind.
11. These waiters think they’re soooo funny…
Ha ha ha, yes, we get it, she’ll take her PLATE to GO … these waiters must be pretty bored if they’re that amused by jokes like this. Then again, if you think about it, you’d probably be bored enough to do it, too. Or maybe there are a lot more dads working in restaurants than we thought.
12. That was the day Michael Scott got a job at a restaurant.
There was no knowing for sure whether her customers would even notice this comment on their bill, and that’s what makes this so ingenious. The waitress wrote this comment just for herself. Luckily for the internet, her customers spotted it and immortalized it for all of us to enjoy.
13. We don’t mince our goodbyes around here.
This waiter didn’t have any fond farewells to say to his customers that night. But he did take the time to draw an amazingly accurate portrait of Grumpy Cat, complete with a caption. Presumably that last part didn’t take him very long. And hopefully, his amazing art skills influenced the size of his tip.
14. Way to capitalize on that one-star review.
Danica F. had something very important to say about the service at a particular restaurant. Of course, we’re not entirely sure what her message was. Regardless, the restaurant apparently found her review so hilarious they used it on their wait staff’s T-shirts. At least we’re all aware that Danica disapproves.
15. The rest of you = amateurs.
This waiter seems to be saying, “What’s the big deal?” as he carries an entire table’s worth of food out from the kitchen. We count at least 11 servings, so it goes without saying that this guy isn’t slacking. Hopefully, the food made it safely to the table without disaster … and the waiter got a nice big tip in exchange for this crazy skill.
16. We see what you did there.
Let’s be honest: this is probably what most restaurant employees want to say to their customers every day. This server gets the privilege of wearing a subtle burn on his shirt during every shift. He might not say it, but you know that he probably thinks it at least half a dozen times a day.
17. Okay, now you’re getting a little bit mean.
What is it about orange juice that makes adults unable to keep the glass upright at the table? This guy got an even bigger burn from his waitress after he knocked his juice over. On the bright side, now he has an awesome cup that we hope he got to take home.
18. This photo is entitled “Double Take.”
We live in a world where, for some unknown reason, flesh-colored leggings exist. This Starbucks barista decided to wear them to work one day, and the results are … interesting, to say the least. We kind of wonder if she did it on purpose, in which case it was a hilarious prank.
19. What waiters do when they get bored.
This waiter was probably in the middle of a long, boring shift when a group of customers asked him to take a photo. The joke was on them, though — he had them pose over and over again, all while using the front-facing camera to take goofy photos of himself. Enjoy those photos, suckers!
20. Welp, at least they’re being honest.
Hopefully, this customer got the message that he was being an enormous pain in the neck for his server that night. He should count himself lucky that he wasn’t the customer that made him snap for good. We’re betting he asked for too many refills on the free cheese biscuits.
21. That’s right, it’s $5 per green beer.
St. Patrick’s Day isn’t really celebrated in Ireland, but it definitely takes over every bar in the United States. Everyone with Irish heritage will wear their “Kiss Me, I’m Irish” T-shirt and drink expensive, bright green beers. For bartenders everywhere, it’ll be an exhausting night … but the tips, man, the tips!
22. Okay, how long have you been planning this one?
Or if you don’t want to troll, you could always make your shift more interesting by leaving these little messages on the cups of attractive people. It’s basically the barista equivalent of catcalling as you drive down the street. Or maybe you’ll meet your soul mate and this is the story you’ll have to tell your grandchildren.
23. Well, he needs something to pass the time.
The internet is full of pictures of Starbucks cups with some ridiculous name spellings, but there’s a grain of truth to this one. It’s totally something a bored barista would do for entertainment during a long, dragging shift. When you have nothing else to do, it’s fun to be a troll.
24. Okay, this is pretty cute.
Pac-Man pancakes eating tiny pancake ghosts? That takes some serious skill and thoughtfulness. If your go-to response to hearing someone say they’re sick is to make them these fabulous pancakes, you’re definitely living your life the right way. One thing is certain: this waitress is the best kind of person.
25. I see what you did there.
This bartender gets the honor of wearing this pretty clever shirt. And it’s an easy answer to a question that, let’s face it, bartenders get asked by every drunk customer that comes through their doors. Next time you’ve had a few too many, don’t ask the bartender for drinks in exchange for sex. Just … don’t.
26. This is seriously amazing.
Working in a restaurant is strenuous physical work that will make you collapse from exhaustion after an eight-hour shift. But these waiters have taken it up a notch by working their shifts on roller skates. We don’t want to think about the potential accidents that could happen if one of them were to fall.
27. She needed a moment to vent.
This waitress didn’t mince words when it came to how she really felt about a rude customer. Of course, on the outside, she was probably all smiles — because that’s what being a food server is all about. Kudos to this customer for stepping in when they saw someone else walking all over her.
28. Just clearing up after another dinner service.
This waiter’s expression says it all: this is just another day for him. He’s perfected a skill that he, unfortunately, won’t need in any other industry. Regardless, it’s pretty impressive. He clearly has no need to go to the gym — he gets a great workout just doing his shift every day.
29. There’s no point in lying about it.
Here’s the thing about working in food service: it’s either hectic and stressful or super boring. This employee was the only one in the establishment and the traffic wasn’t flowing. He didn’t see the point in lying about why he needed a snooze: he just laid down and closed his eyes. The real question is, how fast can he wake up and throw together an Italian sub on toasted wheat?
30. Tell him what you really think of him.
One of the nice things about being a bartender is that you sometimes have more freedom than you do as a food server. Of course, you still risk losing out on a tip if you make a customer mad, but there are times it’s worth it. This guy must have been a real tool to get treated like this.
31. Would you like crackers with that?
This waiter thought he was being pretty funny after one of his customers requested extra crackers. This does beg the question, though: how many crackers did he actually bring? That’s a long list of cracker additions. Hopefully, they had enough chili to go with all of them … or they had tons of leftovers.
32. Please, sir, I want some more.
Everyone knows that restaurant workers aren’t paid terribly well. The bulk of their wages come from tips, and they work hard for those … and sometimes, they don’t get tipped at all. But you don’t expect a waitress to be so poor she can’t afford to replace her damaged shoes. It’s a clever way to stir pity in the hearts of your customers.
33. Don’t think she wasn’t paying attention.
This customer had a very, VERY specific quesadilla order, and his waitress was taking diligent notes the entire time. She’s no spring chicken: she’s been around this track a few times, and you can’t throw her no matter how hard you try. What’s more, she brought the receipt to show the proof.
34. And this photo is entitled “The Triple Take.”
Um, I hate to pry, but do you see something odd in this photo … maybe something somewhat, um … masculine? The real question is, was this the waiter’s take on this particular dessert, or is this restaurant policy? Where is this place that serves these very adult desserts? I have SO many questions.
35. He filled out a comment card, too.
These diners don’t need to think about their experience: the waiter has already taken care of it. He’ll even fill out a comment card and suggest a tip. Don’t think of it as being controlling — think of it as him doing all those things so you don’t have to!
36. And now she has a fabulous cape.
This elderly diner mentioned to her waiter that she was feeling a bit chilly. Unfortunately, restaurants don’t carry extra sweaters for their customers. But her waiter improvised and brought her a tablecloth to wrap around herself. It’s a pretty thoughtful move — and now she looks absolutely smashing in her wrap.
37. If you think he’s joking … he’s not.
A bar is a place where people gather to talk about their lives, and yes, sometimes the shows they’re watching. But let’s be clear: if you talk about “Game of Thrones” in this bar, you can kiss your beer goodbye. The bartender still isn’t caught up and he’s sick of hearing spoilers.
If you don’t want a human-sized T-Rex serving you your drinks, you’ve lost all joy in your life. This woman showed some dedication by working her shift in this costume, and it’s nothing short of amazing. Let’s be real: she deserved every tip she got that night and then some.
39. Stop and reconsider your life.
This customer was foolish enough to tell his bartender (an Irishman, no less) that his beer glass wasn’t completely full. In return, he got more foam … and a special message to top it off. It’s passive-aggressive for sure, but there’s no doubt what the bartender really thought of his request.
40. It’s the thought that counts.
This waitress found out it was her customer’s birthday … but cake wasn’t an option for them. So, she did a quick bit of improvisation and brought them a delicious roll covered in chocolate syrup. Okay, “delicious” might be stretching it a bit. But like your mother always told you: it’s the thought that counts.
When a bartender serves you this, he clearly hates you. Another sign would be ignoring you and your request for more ice.
This person always ends up spilling his drink. To solve the problem, the waitress decided to wrap his cup with tape to make sure he doesn’t create
43. When you’ve had enough
It seems like this barista had an exhausting day at work. He gave up and didn’t make any further attempt to finish the second latte art.
Be careful when asking a waiter to split your bill into equal parts. You might end up dealing with something like this.
Once you’re a bartender, you won’t be able to forget about the skills you’ve learned while working as one. In fact, even if you switch jobs, you’d still find yourself doing the same tricks like this guy.
When this person told the waiter that he’s not feeling so good, he came out with this. It’s a sweet and kind gesture for a stranger.
This guy deserves an award for his costume. His employer shouldn’t wait for Halloween before rewarding him.
48. When waiters have free time
It looks like this waiter had a lot of free time at work. He was able to draw on not just one but three receipts. It must have been a slow day at work.
Irish bartenders are quite passionate about what they serve. If you question your guinness, they’ll send you something similar to this.
After noticing that one of the customers like the Powerpuff Girls, the waiter decided to draw Blossom on her plate. It’s a touching gesture. It only shows how much he cares about his customers.
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Contrary to what most people think, working as a waiter isn’t easy. It’s physically hard and mentally challenging. Every day, you’ll meet people who’ll test not just your patience but your commitment to your work. You may even find yourself thinking about quitting for good.
If you’re having a really rough day at work, check out these 50 waiters who clearly know how to use their sense of humor to turn their day around.