Senior dog left all alone outside shelter with 7-word note
The sweet boy simply wanted a good place to spend his golden years.
Patricia Lynn

Senior dogs are sweet animals that want nothing but to cuddle with their people. Sadly, though, senior dogs often have the highest risk for being abandoned. Sometimes, people simply can’t afford the medical bills that come with older dogs. Other times, people decide they want a younger, more energetic dog.

A senior dog named Perry is sadly one of these dogs who was abandoned in his golden years.


One surprise visit at the Wanderer’s Rest Humane Association in New York turned into something amazing.

There was a sled sitting in the yard near the front door. Inside was a dog tied down by ropes. A dog had been tied into the sled and dropped off at the front with a note and a small bowl of water.

Dogington Post
Dogington Post

The dog had been dropped off in Canastota, New York, and was completely alone. It had been sitting there for the entire night and the only information the shelter had was a small note. The note is enough to make you cry.

“Over 10 years old. Can no longer walk.”

Dogington Post
Dogington Post

With a short two sentences, someone had abandoned their dog of over a decade.

Their dog that had been with them for years and relied on them for medical needs. All of that was down the drain when they dropped off the dog at the shelter. The dog had no idea where it was and just wanted to be home with his family. Unfortunately, the dog had no idea how alone he was.

If it weren’t for places like Wanderer’s Humane Association, dogs like this one would never make it.


Right after taking the dog in, they named him Perry.

Getting him inside for some tests and work, they did a full checkup. While his tests were coming in, they posted a photo to him on Facebook asking if anyone recognized him:

“If anyone recognizes this dog please get in touch with us ASAP. He was left outside of our shelter at some point throughout the night tied down to the sled. The note left with him states: “Over 10 yrs old. Can no longer walk.” This is abandonment. If you can no longer care for your pet for any reason, give us a call and we can either directly help you or give you resources. Abandoning them is not the answer and will never be acceptable, especially one that can no longer walk.”

The shelter is completely funded by donations and this expense wasn’t something they were expecting.


People who saw the post decided to help and wanted to ensure Perry got the right treatment.

He had two tick-borne illnesses and a severe skin infection that needed to be taken care of. The shelter also had to shave his fur since it was so matted. After some pain relievers and treatment, he started acting like a different dog! Incredibly, he was even able to walk a tiny bit with some help.

Perry was in good hands and getting the help he needed.

Once Perry was well enough, the shelter began looking for adopters who had experience with Great Pyrenees and senior dogs.

They found the perfect adopter in a woman named Donna. She loved Perry, and he enjoyed cuddling with her and spending time with his new dog siblings.

Unfortunately, though, Perry was diagnosed with Myelopathy. The vet thought he’d had it for at least two years before being abandoned — which makes the fact that he was abandoned even more heartwrenching. Sadly, the Myelopathy progressed, and Perry passed over the rainbow bridge. His mom Donna was there with him at the end, giving him cuddles.

“Despite our present grief, I feel it has been such a gift to know him, love him and care for him for the very brief time that he was in our lives. While I have the comfort of Levi and our other dogs, our small house seems empty, and its core feels hollow. We miss him greatly,” Donna wrote.

Facebook/Sharon Wheeler
Facebook/Sharon Wheeler

Perry will be missed, and we’re so glad that his last few months were filled with so much love and care. It was what a good boy like Perry deserved.

Check out a video about Perry below!

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