Mom Captures Doorbell Footage Of Teen After Son’s Shoes Thrown In Toilet
So thankful this got recorded.

Meghan Hendrix was understandably devastated for her son Tanner when he came home from school one day and told her how he’d been treated at school.

“This absolutely broke my mama heart,” she said after he told her a fellow student had not only taken his shoes from him but had thrown them in the toilet.

“I was in PE and I came to get dressed into the locker room and I can’t find my shoes,” he said. “And I just went to the toilet and they were there.”

Going viral

After all of the discussions we’ve had about bullying and the effect it has on children long-term, it still happens. And we can’t imagine what possesses a person – even a child – to do such a thing.

Meghan Hendrix told USA Today’s Humankind that normally people at school watch out for Tanner. But not on that day.

YouTube Screenshot - Humankind
YouTube Screenshot - Humankind

But when Tanner’s best friend Skyler school heard about the incident, he felt moved to step in. He hadn’t been there to stop the bullying while it happened, but he felt like he could do something after the fact to show Tanner that he saw his pain and wanted to help him feel better.

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YouTube Screenshot - Humankind

Hendrix’s Facebook post went viral for the story and the security video that was included showing Skylar’s kind gesture.

Caught on camera

The Hendrix family heard a knock on the door, but they never could have guessed who they would find behind it.

The grateful mom wrote in her post:

“Then tonight a senior from his school showed up at our door. After hearing what happened he wanted to buy Tanner new shoes. This act of kindness has me in complete awe.”

Tanner’s parents asked Skyler if he was sure he wanted to replace the shoes – and he was.

Tanner thanked his friend, who replied “You’re welcome, man.”

“Yeah I heard about that and I was just like oh my gosh,” Skyler can be heard saying.

Facebook Screenshot - Meghan Hendrix
Facebook Screenshot - Meghan Hendrix

“Well that is amazing dude. Thank you so much, Skyler” Tanner’s dad replied.

The family was in disbelief at the gesture.

A relieved mom

It must have been a huge relief to know that fellow students still had her son’s back. And when Meghan Hendrix heard about the interaction at the door, she went and pulled the Nest video camera footage to see if it caught the moment.

“I mean, to Skylar, he was replacing Tanner’s shoes. To us as parents, it shows that he does have people looking out for him,” the relieved mom told Humankind.

Tanner’s parents felt that sharing the story was important because it showed that kindness is (and should be) the default for most people, not the exception.

Her story drew many supportive comments and quite a few people wanted to make sure the bully had been dealt with. Tanner’s mom replied:

Yes we did report it and the school handled it very well. In the end it was a very positive outcome for all sides. 😊 The school was able to find out who did it and after talking to Tanner, the kid that did it gets picked on and teased quite a bit at school. Tanner said he’s just going to be sure to be extra nice to him because he needs friends! 💗💗”

YouTube Screenshot - Humankind
YouTube Screenshot - Humankind

It didn’t need to happen in the first place, but it sounds like quite a few people got what they needed in the end.

Watch below to see this amazing teen fix a situation in the kindest way.

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