Acts of Kindness
Security camera captures homeless man’s beautiful reaction after learning he got a job
This security camera captured this homeless man's heartwarming reaction to being offered a permanent job.
Luis Gaskell

Times are harder than they’ve been in years.

The inflation train doesn’t seem like it’s stopping for anyone, and wages aren’t exactly rising to meet it.

Plus, a lot of depressing developments have gripped our attention in the last couple of years.

So why not throw in something to smile about for now? Like smiling at the success of others.

Take for instance this homeless man from England who landed a job.

YouTube Screenshot - Five Tv
YouTube Screenshot - Five Tv

Getting a job is hard, college graduate or not. The amount of experience they require is unpredictable, and sometimes it’s not worth the pay. But there’s a reason we have the saying “Beggars can’t be choosers.”

And this story is a pretty textbook example of “Beggars can’t be choosers.” In fact, you can say it’s a bit on the nose.

This homeless man had nothing more than a shelter to come home to. A little bit of income can go a long way.

YouTube Screenshot - Five Tv
YouTube Screenshot - Five Tv

So when he got the job at a window supplier business, he was ecstatic.

CCTV cameras are typically meant to catch shady characters and incriminate people. Though this time, it’s caught someone in the act of being overjoyed. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of that.

YouTube Screenshot - Live Tv
YouTube Screenshot - Live Tv

We’re always told to be thankful for what we have because others have less. It’s times like this when that train of thought truly shines.

It doesn’t hurt to be proud of other people’s achievements either, even if they’re just strangers to you.

Especially when they’re this happy about it. Think about when your friend gets a promotion or a raise. Wouldn’t you be ecstatic too?

Pexels - MART Production
Pexels - MART Production

Plus, most of us would look for other jobs that are a bit fancier. We might scoff at jobs like fast food, delivery driving, or working at a window supplier business. Some of us think a job reflects who we are. I believe the term here is “classism.”

Pexels - MART Production
Pexels - MART Production

But when you have nothing to your name, any job can mean the world.

The person we have to thank for this footage is Aaron Doyle, an employee at Central RPL.

YouTube Screenshot - Five Tv
YouTube Screenshot - Five Tv

“It might seem like nothing to most, but this guy has really won me over.” – said Aaron

Aaron has met this man before, whom he didn’t name. He offers to share what little food he has with Aaron despite his situation. Talk about sharing everything you have, right?

The man gets his food mostly from a church nearby. It’s good to know he can buy his own food now.

Pexels - Ron Lach
Pexels - Ron Lach

Take a moment to appreciate all the little achievements you get. It’s good for the mind and the soul.

And be thankful you have a roof to sleep under and food on your table. It doesn’t come as easy for other people.

Most importantly, always be kind and generous to people who have less than you.

Pexels - MART Production
Pexels - MART Production

Because you could find yourself in the same spot one day and you’d never expect it.

See the man’s joyous reaction in the video below!

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