Curtis Jenkins, a school bus driver at Lake Highlands Elementary School in Dallas, Texas, loves the children on his bus route.
So much so that he wanted to make sure each of them had a very Merry Christmas.
That’s why he saved up his money so he could buy each and every one of them a present for the holiday.

“Seeing the faces of those kids was more than anything that I could ever do with the money,” Jenkins said.
He asked all of his kids what they wanted for Chrismas and, with the help of some community members, gifts were purchased for all 70 children.
Jenkins says he didn’t even ask for donations. People just started giving him money or presents after they learned about what he was planning on doing. One person gave him $100 and another donated a bike.

“I would like to thank you out the bottom of my heart for what you gave to me for the babies on my bus, that 100 dollars was gave out of love from you and the greatness of your heart, I came home and was almost in tears that you would do that without even being ask,” Jenkins wrote on Facebook. “That is the reason I do all that I do because I know love still is in the hearts of man and woman. Thank God for you and all the people like you.”

Jenkins said he decided he wanted to play Santa in order to “magnify loving and caring.”
“Kids these days need to see positivity,” Jenkins said. “If you show a lot of kids a lot of love they will do the same.”

The students realized their Christmas wishes were being fulfilled when they were picked up at school on Dec. 21.
“He asked the kids what they wanted for Christmas and kept a list,” Jennifer Wilcox, the school’s PTA president, said. “I believe his motivation was to bless the kids and to put smiles on their faces.”

One student even got a bicycle.
“We are just so thankful for his spirit, and his kindness and his generosity to the kids,” Wilcox said. “Thank you for being a wonderful example for all of us.”

“We have a diverse student population and our staff and parents work hard to create a kind and inclusive environment.”
The school even shared some photos of the event on Facebook.
That post was shared more than 9,000 times. Jenkins even spoke to Good Morning America about is deed.
Jenkins says he sees his job as a bus driver as a calling.
“I’m not at a job, I’m on a mission from God,” Jenkins said. “I don’t say anything about religion to the kids. I just let them know whatever they love is fine with me, just love somebody on the way.”
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