15 farewell cakes from co-workers who clearly like a savage sugar rush

Plenty of people leave jobs at some point, but it’s rare to actually get a going-away party.

For those who do, they can be full of emotion or have a tinge of passive-aggressive humor (usually from those who don’t want to be left behind).

Of course, if you’re going to be snarky, the best way to do it is with cake. That’s what these 15 people did and their farewell cakes had us laughing out loud.

1. Grim goodbye

My Coworker’s Last Day at Work

There’s a little too much creativity here for us to think this person’s coworkers didn’t like them.

The only real problem is that the cake doesn’t look all that appetizing.

2. Grumpy cake

This is the perfect cake for a grouchy coworker. And since he shared it himself, we think he probably thought it was really funny.

3. Font fail

Last Day at work and this is the cake they give me….

Well, that cake was a nice touch, but it looks like someone was too embarrassed to ask the cake decorator to write a rude message on it.

And cake lettering is a lot harder than it looks!

4. Ok, then

Well, at least they feel like they have something in common with their coworker.

The flowers seem like a nice touch though. But shouldn’t they have used flames instead?

5. Direct hit

Left my job today, this is the cake they got me…..

That is a very precise-looking cake.

Do you think the crying emoji proves that the text is just a joke? We’re pretty sure that’s the case.

6. Tell us how you really feel

Coworker got a better job…We bought him a cake on his last day.

When your former coworkers move on to greener pastures, things can get a little passive-aggressive.

Or just regular aggressive, in this case.

7. Don’t eat your reference!

Sarcastic sugar tastes just as good as the regular kind.

And look at that lettering – we’d want to use it as a reference just because of how neat and tidy it looks!

8. Are you still here?

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We’re sure that’s a joke, but it’s kind of an unappetizing one.

Note to self: don’t use too much brown for the cake decor if you can help it.

9. Disappointing Dave

Birthday Cake for an Intern

We really want to know how bad Dave was.

Maybe he was awesome and the real disappointment is that he’s leaving.

10. At least he’ll be missed

Coworker is leaving the corporate world to become a farmer in the woods somewhere in New York. This was his send off cake.

Well, that’s certainly one way to say goodbye.

We just wonder what the decorators thought when they saw that message. You have to laugh, right?

11. Thanks for the memories

We bet they’ll remember this person when they have to train their replacement or take over some of their duties until a replacement is found!

There are all sorts of reasons to remember someone – and it’s not always fondly.

12. Crummy

Today is my last day and a co-worker brought me in this cake

Ouch. And they didn’t even bother with a real cake. They just went straight to the giant cookie.

13. Multi-layer madness

It looks like some people don’t want to be left behind.

It’s hard to see someone move on to greener pastures.

14. Monkey butt moment

That’s an interesting image!

We’re not sure what Becky thought of it, but we assume this was some sort of inside joke.

15. Smell ya later

See, now that’s an affectionate statement. We love it.


What do you think your coworkers would put on your cake if you were to leave your job?

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