Trends change quickly but there are some things that are always in style – and one of those things is short hair.
Some make resolutions every year, others don’t, while many people simply go with the flow and realize what needs to be changed. And regardless of the pandemic, people are coming up with ways to feel better about themselves.

The easiest way is to make physical changes. While going to the gym remains a health risk, many men and women have invested in workout equipment so they can workout at home.
Others hit the salon for a makeover.

Who knew that cutting and changing hairstyles could boost one’s confidence? Just look at the way these ladies smile after their turn in the chair!
And while most women like to keep their hair long, these ladies are cutting off a significant amount of their locks in favor of a much shorter style. And it’s pretty stylish!

Regardless of age, these women just look so much younger!
“I’m a 35+ years Hairstylist and I love watching other stylists do their thing. I hope all salons donate the long hair pieces cut off to a children’s or cancer hospital, so wigs can be made. Not just sell it and pocket the $$$. Make sure you clients take your long hair with you… to donate! Thank you! The kids thank you! The cancer patients thank you!”
That’s a great idea from a viewer named Debra Mercer!

These sassy, low-maintenance styles aren’t just stylish, but they really bring out a woman’s features too. Jawlines, twinkling eyes, and sexy necklines are in order and those husbands are going to be so surprised!
Different shapes, colors, and styles are found in this video, so if you’re thinking of heading out for a new look, pick and choose which one you think looks best on you.

Mad props to hairstylists everywhere who know what to do by just looking at their clients and listening to what they want.
“This man is just a wizard! How women are transformed in his hands! Gorgeous, charming! I wish I could get to such a master, but I live in distant St. Petersburg, I’m 60+, there seems to be a good master, but what I saw in the video is just gorgeous! Excellent master!” says a very impressed viewer.
The stylist in this video definitely deserves the praise. His hands work magic!

And it takes awhile before a woman decides to cut her long, long hair too. That’s a huge decision to make, and chances are she’s asked her friends and partner for their opinions too.

But more often than not, the results are fantastic.

EveSteps Hair is a great channel with a lot of content for hairstyles and new looks. These ladies came out looking lovely, with bold new confidence on their faces. You can too!
A simple cut and a new color really can do wonders! It’s a new year and a new look. These women surely walked differently after their turn.
Find your short hair inspiration in the video below.
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