Acts of Kindness
Principal notices girls 'funny face' when she steps on bus — saves her life
By chance, the principal decided to ride with one of the school buses that day and it's a good thing she did.
Irene Markianou

One of the major concerns of every parent is the choking hazard. Since their children are little, they always try to make sure that their food is properly processed, cooked, or soft enough so that they don’t run any choking risks. But, as they grow older, it is more difficult to control what they eat and how they handle their bites- even more so when their parents are not around.

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When children are at school, there usually is somebody around or classmates can call a teacher in case of an emergency. But, what about the school bus?

A couple of years ago, a school tragedy was prevented in Nashville, thanks to the principal’s intervenience.

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Aqui Elementary principal, Latoya Cobb, was new to the school and on that day of fall 2017, she decided to ride the school bus for the first time.

“I said you know what, I think I’m just going to ride today, you know I’m new to the school this year, I’ve never ridden the bus here. The bus driver had to do two runs that day because we were short of bus drivers,” she told Newschannel 5, Nashville.

Initially, she had decided to join them only in the first ride, but then changed her mind and accompanied them in the second ride too. And that was when it all happened.

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At some point, she noticed a young girl’s funny face, and she asked if she was fine. When she got no answer, she went closer and realized that the girl was actually choking on something and was unable to breathe at that moment. Luckily, it was not too late, so she remained calm and performed the Heimlich and saved the girl’s life.

“I moved closer and I noticed she couldn’t breathe. I immediately grabbed her, turned her around and performed the Heimlich. After two thrusts, then she spit up and the candy flew out of her mouth,” she said.

According to the Principal herself, the whole thing didn’t last more than ten seconds, but we bet it must have felt like ages until she made sure the little 5-year-old was breathing again.

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The little girl’s mother and grandma couldn’t be more thankful to Cobb for what she did for their little girl. They even call her an angel for saving their sweet girl.

What is also remarkable in this story is that, for Melissa Corlew, grandmother, this event was for her some kind of déjà vu. As she explained to the reporters, she had to perform the Heimlich herself to her daughter- the little girl’s mom- when she was also five years old. So for her, it was like reliving that stressful moment once more- thankfully, with a happy ending again.

“There are tragedies that happen all the time where schools lose students. I’ve experienced that before. So I’m just grateful that’s not something I’ve had to experience on Tuesday,” Cobb said.

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The Principal decided to make a lesson out of this event for the students so that they know what to do if they realize someone needs help.

We are glad the little girl is fine and that there are “angels” like this Principal out there taking care of our children.

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