Proposing to your girlfriend is a once-in-a-lifetime event, so it should be memorable.
A few months ago, Stephanie Martinez suggested to the Cleveland Division of Police Det. Chris Porter that it was a good idea to propose to her on her graduation day.
She felt sad when her boyfriend said it wasn’t a good idea.

“I had to be kind of harsh and said ‘No, that’s a terrible idea!’ I felt bad telling her that her idea was terrible, because it was my idea, but I had to do it so I could hopefully surprise her,” Porter said to WKYC.
She decided not to open the topic again and just attended her graduation practice. Though, anyone would feel disappointed with that answer.
Martinez did, however, notice some hints, and being the good detective that she was, she noted these subtle hints.

“Once his mom told me to get my nails done, I said, ‘Chris, are you going to ask me to be your wife?’ And he says ‘No, your graduation is your day’ and he lied to me,” Martinez shared in her interview while smiling.
Come Monday, her graduation rights went smoothly.
She proudly took her oath from Cleveland Mayor Justin Bibb and even watched her classmates do the same.

The ceremony was solemn, and everyone was proud of all their hard work.
After all the graduates were called and given their diplomas, the host called Martinez to go up the stage again, saying she will receive as special recognition.
As she was accepting the special merit, a familiar voice called her name.
Shocked, she turned around and saw none other than her boyfriend, Detective Chris Porter.
He went down on one knee and asked her the question.
They filled the hall with cheers and screams as they all celebrated not just their graduation, but the vow of love for these two police officers.

“Will you marry me?”
Martinez cried and covered her face, shocked that after all the days they’d prepared for the graduation ceremony, Chris was planning this all by himself.
Of course, Martinez said yes!

They hugged and kissed, and everyone was overjoyed! Who wouldn’t? Look at these two lovebirds.
The two officers actually met at a barbershop in one of their headquarters where Porter had his hair cut.
Since then, they couldn’t get each other off of their minds and the rest was history.

Detective Chris Porter comes from a law enforcement family. Both of his parents were police officers, and even his stepbrother, who sadly lost his life in service last 2017.
“I’ve lived it I kind of see how the relationship can be and how you have to separate the work,” Porter said to his interviewer.
As for Officer Martinez, she’s the first police officer in her family, and they are all proud of her chosen profession.

“Growing up, I saw a lot of domestic violence in my household so I knew wanted to become a police officer and get into the DV unit,” Martinez shared her inspiration for becoming a police officer.
These two lovebirds are so adorable and we love how Porter made sure that his girlfriend would be clueless about his plans.
What a great idea to propose on the same day as your girlfriend’s graduation. Watch the full feature below.

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