Acts of Kindness
Officer takes woman to the beach to fulfill her final wish
Though the police call was unusual, a Ship Bottom officer arrived to make it happen.
D.G. Sciortino

Most people look forward to getting gifts on Christmas.

Instead, Patricia Kelly received a devastating diagnosis.

She learned, just a few days after Christmas, that she had acute myeloid leukemia.

Guy Richard Corbin
Guy Richard Corbin

What was even worse was that she was told she only had three to six months to live.

Coming to grips with this news, the 78-year-old had one final wish.

She wanted to see the ocean again.

Specifically, Long Beach Island in New Jersey, a popular summer getaway destination in the Tri-State area.

“That’s been my spot since I was a little girl. Every year we went to the ocean,” Kelly told ABC News. “And I just loved it.”


Kelly’s family was quick to make sure that her wish would come true.

They rented a beach house in the borough of Ship Bottom for 11 women, including Kelly’s female relatives and closest girlfriends.

The family planned to relax and check off each item on the trip’s to-do list.

Guy Richard Corbin
Guy Richard Corbin

It was a list that was sure to create some lasting memories.

“The agenda for the weekend was games, meals, bonding, sharing stories, sending out Chinese Wishing Lanterns, movies, music sing-a-longs, the beach, a Polar Bear Plunge, sending out messages in a bottle to sea, and creating more memories,” Lauren Corbin, one of Kelly’s relative’s, told ABC News.

Kelly said the weekend was picture perfect, like something you’d see on a movie screen.

Guy Richard Corbin
Guy Richard Corbin

“The whole thing couldn’t have been any more perfect than if it had been scripted,” she said.

The only thing left to check off their list was to take that walk on the beach to see the ocean.

But, because of Kelly’s health, she wasn’t able to walk too far without becoming out of breath.


So, her family decided to enlist the help of the local police department for their “weird” request.

The Ship Bottom Police didn’t hesitate to honor this “weird” request.

Even though it was just 20 degrees out, Officer Ron Holloway volunteered to drive an SUV onto the beach so that Kelly’s final wish could be fulfilled.


“He was a gentleman beyond anything. He was just so humble and kind. Anyone could’ve given us a ride, but … he was just so compassionate. He just went above and beyond,” relative Stephanie Corbin said.

Kelly said she is living up every last moment she has.

“I’m not afraid of dying. I’m not scared. I feel like I’ve led a good life and I’m OK with that. I mean, you can’t live forever,” she said .”You only live once. You want to leave a good impression, and that’s what I’m trying to do for my kids.”

Guy Richard Corbin
Guy Richard Corbin

Kelly’s family has decided they will make their Ship Bottom outing an annual thing in her memory.

Kelly’s son, Guy Corbin, said he’ll never forget the kindness that was shown to his mother to fulfill her dying wish.

“A BIG SHOUT OUT to Officer Ronald Holloway. He is a man who not only protects and serves but genuinely cares. His extraordinary kindness and character speaks volumes of the man he is. He is a true asset to your department. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the Ship Bottom Police Department!” Corbin wrote on Facebook, according to Patch. “You will all hold a very special place in our hearts for giving Pat her final ride on the Ship Bottom Beach, a place near and dear to her.”

Learn more about Kelly’s final wish come true in the heartfelt video below.

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