Smoking is a dangerous and difficult habit to break, but there will always be people who do it anyway. If you smoke inside and have thought about what it’s doing to your house, these might make you change your mind about where you smoke.
Here are 20 reasons why you should probably not smoke inside
Beware, this is pretty gross!
1. Those walls are supposed to be white
What smoking cigarettes inside does to your walls.
byu/tiredoftalkingtoyou inmildlyinteresting
As you can see in this picture, smoking inside isn’t just bad for your health, it will also stain the walls brown. Also, that isn’t paint, and we’re guessing it probably doesn’t smell that great.
2. If it’s doing that to the walls, imagine what it’s doing to your lungs

Here’s another example of what smoking does to the walls, but the real question is what’s it’s doing to your teeth and lungs. If you’re a smoker, you probably don’t even want to know.
3. That smoke detector clearly didn’t work
[deleted by user]
by inpics
You would think a smoke detector in a smokey house like that would be going off all day every day, guess again. For whatever reason, smoke detectors don’t go off because of cigarette smoke. If they did, smokers would probably just take them off anyway.
4. How long did they smoke in there?
Either this person smoked in this house for a very, very long time, or they were chain smokers. Either way, it was no easy thing to get the walls such a dark color of brown. Just imagine what their clothes look like.
5. It even damages electronics
The inside of a smokers computer. “No, I can’t just blow it out”
byu/1234567891011twelve inWTF
Not only did smoking inside turn this computer into a black and brown mess, it completely ruined the circuit board with caked-on chemicals. If for nothing else, stop smoking inside for all the money it will save you when you don’t have to buy new things.
6. That’ll be hard to cover-up
What 30+ years of smoking indoors does to a place
byu/ItzRoko ininterestingasfuck
After 30 plus years of smoking in this house, the walls are so stained that they’ll probably need multiple coats of paint to cover it up. I wouldn’t want to be the painter trying to cover this up, that’s going to be one heck of a job.
7. That’s as gross as it gets
Curtain from a smokers apartment, after being dunked in a bathtub
byu/JustWantsToUseGif inWTF
After smoking inside of this apartment, the curtains were put in the bathtub and what drained out of them was completely disgusting. What even is that? It looks like the curtain is literally bleeding, that’s nasty.
8. They’re not getting a deposit back
Seeing the smoke pattern on the floor coming from the apartment
byu/jousiemohn inmildlyinteresting
Not only does smoking inside stain the walls and pretty much ruin all your belongings, it even seeps out from under the door creating stains. This guy’s apartment is proof, and we’re 99.9% sure he won’t be getting his deposit back.
9. It doesn’t just ruin the walls

The amount of stuff that smoking inside ruins is just insane. It’s not just walls, clothes, and electronics, but also carpet too. We’re guessing it pretty much ruins anything that the smoke comes in contact with.
10. No wonder they’re getting rid of most of the smoking terminals
The ceiling of a smoking area in an airport
byu/MrWonanother inWTF
The airport in Denver recently got rid of their last smoking section, and after seeing this picture we’re guessing other airports will follow shortly. I don’t know though, Las Vegas will definitely be the last one to go if it ever even happens.
11. Bad grandpa
My grandfather smoked back here for 50+ years and this painting was up for at least 40 of them
byu/legacyfinefarts inmildlyinteresting
This person’s grandpa smoked in the house for 50-plus years and had a cool painting up for a good 40 of them. When they took the picture down though, all the damage the smoking caused was very apparent.
12. I hope they threw that sofa in the trash
This used to be a white wall. After 25 years of heavy smoking you can see where the sofa and paintings have been.
byu/Crukas inmildlyinteresting
The smoking inside this house was so bad, you can actually see the outlines of all the furniture and pictures that this person had. Looks like they’ll be buying all new stuff, or they’ll just use the same stuff and repeat the process.
13. I don’t think all of that’s coming off
What it looks like to wash 20 years of nicotine off walls and ceiling.
byu/elephant_8 inWTF
These people are attempting to wash all of the nicotine off the walls after 20 years of smoking inside, and it looks like it’s not going very well. You should probably just throw five coats of fresh paint on that and call it a day,
14. At least this one left a cool stain…

After just one year of cigarette smoking inside, this person left an image of a dancing lady on the wall that isn’t even supposed to be there. Imagine what it would have been like with five, ten, or even twenty years of smoking.
15. The walls or bleeding, oh wait, just cigarette smoke

I never thought I would see walls that actually look like they’re bleeding, and then, I saw this picture. This looks like something from a real-life horror movie, but it’s actually just from smoking inside.
16. I wouldn’t want that in my washer
[deleted by user]
by inWTF
“Washing the curtains of a smoker who rented from their landlord for 10+ years.” That is hard to even look at it, the amount of nicotine that gets trapped in stuff is just downright shocking.
17. Before and After

This is a before and after image from an apartment that was smoked in, and it really speaks for itself. I’ll say it again, if smoking inside does this to your walls, what is it doing to your lungs? It can’t be good!
18. EW!

This person was painting a smoker’s apartment and told us exactly how they feel about it by painting a big fat “EW!” on the ceiling. We feel you, we wouldn’t want to be the ones painting that horrific brown ceiling.
19. More brown walls…
What happens when you smoke indoors for 20 years
byu/lonewolf2556 inpics
Here’s yet another example of what smoking inside does to the walls, I wouldn’t even have taken my stuff with me at that point. Then again, maybe some smokers actually like the smell of smoke-drenched furniture.
20. Last but not least
This Reddit labeled “Smokers…” says it all, and might be the worst one we’ve seen yet. Not only is the shade of brown super dark, but look at that carpet and the stains around the light fixture. That’s some serious damage that will be super hard to cover up.
After seeing those 20 pictures, it makes you wonder how it was ever legal to smoke inside!
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