No matter who you are, we can probably agree that looking and feeling our best is often what we strive for.
But sometimes, we get busy and end up putting ourselves last.
With all of the pressures of the world telling us what we should look like, things can easily become overwhelming. From magazines to social media, there is always some reminder letting us know that we aren’t up to par with others.

In between taking care of your mental health and overall wellbeing, this added stress only makes things feel a bit more intolerable.
But there’s a makeover guy for that.

Meet Christopher Hopkins. You may have heard of him as he is a well-known makeover guru, singer, author, and television host.
He was a regular on the show Good Company from the 90s and made appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show as well.

Hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Hopkins opened his first salon, Christopher Hopkins Salon, in 1990. In 2017, he followed up with a makeover studio called, Makeoverguy Appearance Studios, on the Mississippi Riverfront.
He also authored a book, Staging Your Comeback: A Complete Beauty Revival for Women Over 45.

Notice anything about these milestones? They all cater to making others look and feel their best, particularly women. Hopkins has made a name for himself by working with older women to help them regain their confidence.
It’s utterly amazing what makeovers can do for the spirit. Having done countless makeovers, the reactions he receives from his clientele are heartwarming.
A woman named Penny from California is no exception. She traveled a long way for her transformation and she wasn’t disappointed.

When asked what her biggest fear was, her response was anything but typical.
“My biggest fear would be pushing a grocery cart full of all my belongings when I’m 75, on the street, in the rain.”
Christopher clarifies, “What is your biggest fear about your makeover?”

The two share a laugh and her response to the clarification is just as entertaining. Simply, she doesn’t want to look like a pinhead with the results. One thing is for sure, though Penny might not think she looks her best, she isn’t short on personality.
Even so, Penny has stunning bright eyes and a great smile. Her hair is long and greying at the roots. She has brown coloring at the ends but the grey hairs are surely taking over.
When her transformation is revealed, her reaction is priceless. She truly can’t believe that she is capable of looking so beautiful. Her first few words are said in pure disbelief, “No, no, no,” she repeats.

Wanting to touch her hair but refraining from doing so, she says wide-eyed, “This is not me.”
She stammers trying to find the words to thank Christopher and express how she feels. It turns out the look he achieves is exactly the look she wanted. The best part about that though is that the two never discussed it.
“This is exactly what I have always wanted. We didn’t talk!” she exclaims.

Her hair color brings out the color of her eyes effortlessly. It is also cut short and full of waves and curls. She nearly breaks down in tears.
“There’s no words for this, Christopher,” she says as he approaches to give her a hug.
Christopher begins to fluff her hair, showing her that it is okay to do so. When she asks how he was able to achieve the miraculous hairstyle, he reveals that the trick was interior layering.
At the end of the video, she summarizes her feelings perfectly.
“It is like an angel came down from the heavens and said, ‘What do you want?’ And there it is.”
You can see the stunning results in the video below’
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