Acts of Kindness
Man swimming through floodwaters looking to save people goes viral, but no one knows who he is
Although Hurricane Harvey has been a tragic event for residents in Texas, it is inspiring to see normal people going above and beyond to help others.
Ryan Aliapoulios

For anyone who has been reading the news recently, Hurricane Harvey has been wreaking havoc in Texas.

Much of the coverage has shown businesses and homes underwater, endless rainfall, people fleeing and images of chaos. Still, in this time of immense need, some individuals are rising up to the challenge to help out however they can.

In particular, one local pastor in Houston has shown incredible heroism.

In one series of pictures, an unknown pastor has been risking his life to help others.

Houston is an enormous city that was unprepared for a storm of this magnitude to strike. As a result, many highways and major roads are completely underwater—with hundreds of cars still on them. Seeing this himself, the pastor saw an opportunity.

The pastor decided to swim through the water to search each car individually for any survivors he could help.

Roberson reportedly had a conversation with the pastor at a distance, though the details were hard to make out.

Though the photos were initially taken by Brian K Roberson, the pastor himself remains unidentified. The pastor said that his church started with the word “Mt.,” and told Roberson his name. Still, due to the loud noises and the chaos of the scene, Roberson was unable to recall the details.

Regardless, Roberson’s aunt Tera Stidum has taken it upon herself to make sure the courageous man above gets the recognition he deserves.

Though his identity remains a mystery, Stidum has created a detailed Facebook post with all the known information to help identify him.

Needless to say, Stidum’s comments section is full of potential leads on who this mystery man might be!

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But the pastor is not the only one in Houston planning to help out.

Another commenter, Brandy Burleigh Fontenot, says that plenty of help is on its way from Louisiana as well.

Her comments put it aptly:

“God bless him! Hang on, Houston … the Cajun Navy is on the way to help! PRAYERS FROM LOUISIANA ?

Above all, this story is a testament to the strength of the human spirit.

The historic flooding in Houston is enough to scare anyone, especially those who suffering right now. Still, these stories show that in times of crisis, sometimes the best of humanity gets revealed. For this brave pastor and everyone else making the journey down to Houston, we salute you.

For anyone interested in helping with the flooding in Houston:

GoFundMe has a landing page dedicated to all those suffering.

Similarly, United Way of Greater Houston and The Greater Houston Community Foundation also have places to donate.

Every little bit helps!

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