After the horrific car crash, Jennifer Darmon couldn’t feel her legs.
The Windsor, Ontario, native had been driving in a van with her fiancé when they were hit head-on by an oncoming car. After the collision, all the passengers rushed from the wreck— but Jennifer couldn’t move.

“I went into hysterics,” she recalled. “I was screaming and crying and not really knowing what was going on.” Jennifer’s fiancé Mike Belawetz was a paramedic, and upon running his fingers over her spine, he knew his worst fears may be confirmed.

Jennifer was rushed to the hospital where doctors told her she’d never walk again.
At this time, Jennifer and Mike had been dating for two years. Following the accident, Jennifer would travel long distances to her physical therapy appointments, often having to go three times a week.

Instead of her old life, she was now bound to a wheelchair— and it hadn’t been easy to adjust. While she knew Mike loved her, she thought it may be taking a toll on their relationship.

She told him she’d understand if he wanted to break up, but he never left her side. “It kind of crossed my mind that he might not stay,” she recalled. “Right away, he reassured me that he wasn’t going anywhere.”
On the couple’s four-year anniversary, Mike decided to propose—and Jennifer, unsurprisingly, said yes. From that moment, however, she refused to simply roll down the aisle.

“You picture the walk with your dad. It’s the most important thing,” she said.
“I will be walking down the aisle. It’s not an if or a maybe. It’s absolutely going to happen.”
Immediately following the proposal, Jennifer began working harder than ever during her physical therapy appointments.

She often practiced at the rehabilitation center where she was treated the year before.

Cheryl Angelelli, a spokesperson for Detroit Medical Center’s Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan, told ABC News: “Her goal on her wedding day is to walk with her dad holding her on one side and her brother on the other. She’s a very very determined young woman. She has the best attendance out of any client in our program. She’s very committed.”

When the wedding came around, Jennifer was excited for her big moment.
Clad in a gorgeous dress that concealed her leg braces, she walked down the aisle, accompanied by her father and brother. Edwin McCain’s “Walk with You” played in the background as the guests absorbed the powerful scene before them.

The entire moment was unforgettable, and there wasn’t a dry eye in the place.
“It’s so nice for everyone to see the end result,” she said afterward.
“All the work I’ve put into it over the last couple of years.”

Watch the emotional moment below!
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