Paraglider spots woman drowning in canal and makes emergency landing to reach her
Cristiano was flying mid-air when a peculiar sight caught his eye.
Irene Markianou

Paragliding is a great sport for those who enjoy flying.

Unsplash - Sebastian Mittermeier
Unsplash - Sebastian Mittermeier

When doing paragliding, you can enjoy the freedom that flying high offers, while you get the chance to enjoy the view from up there.

And, although most of the time what you see underneath is beautiful- landscapes, cars running and looking as if they were toys from such a distance, and people looking like dolls- in rare cases what you see below can be quite shocking.

Unsplash - Tomas Sobek
Unsplash - Tomas Sobek

Like what a man who happened to be paragliding a few days ago saw.

He was flying over a canal, when he realized there was a woman in there. And she was actually drowning.

Cristiano Piquet loves paragliding. He enjoys paragliding adventures every Sunday before church along with his friend.

This time, it seems that God was actually there guiding him while he was practicing his favorite sport.

You see, Piquet was paragliding as usual that Sunday, when he spotted a woman in a canal known to be full of alligators.

He knew that he couldn’t leave the woman alone; he had to take action immediately.

The man prepared for emergency landing right away. He and his friend both landed and approached the woman, who was holding tight onto her car that was submerged in the water.

YouTube - Inside Edition
YouTube - Inside Edition

When he got closer, he asked her if she needed help. The woman screamed: “Oh, my God! I fell with my car in here!”

The man, who had landed on the other side of the canal was trying to figure out how he could help get the woman out of the water.

YouTube - Inside Edition
YouTube - Inside Edition

At that moment, a neighbor who lives close by heard the fuss and went closer to see what was going on.

When he saw the woman that was fighting for her life in the canal waters, fearing that soon an alligator might make an appearance, he took action.

He found a rope, which he extended to the drowning woman. She grabbed it with her right hand and, when they were both ready, the man pulled her out of the water using that rope.

YouTube - Inside Edition
YouTube - Inside Edition

The woman couldn’t believe she was finally safe. She hugged the man tight, grateful for saving her life.

Piquet told Inside Edition:

“I saw there was nobody else around. I was at the right place at the right time.”

As the paraglider explained, he doesn’t feel like a hero. He just believes it was God who sent him and the other men to save the poor woman.

YouTube - Inside Edition
YouTube - Inside Edition

“I’m no hero. This is not about me,” he said. “All glory to God, who used me and my friends to save that one life. God’s timing is perfect.”

The video, which was uploaded on YouTube has drawn so much attention that it has already gone viral with more than 80k views.

And, while people praise Piquet for his help to rescue that woman, they point out that the neighbor also deserves some extra appreciation because he was the one who actually pulled her out of the water.

YouTube - Inside Edition
YouTube - Inside Edition

Still an amazing story.

You can watch it in the video below.

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