Babies, in general, are the cutest thing around, it doesn’t even matter whether it’s baby humans or animals they’re all just adorable. In this case, it’s a loving baby elephant giving a man more hugs than he can handle that melts hearts all over.
This baby girl just can’t get enough hugs!

Tara was just 2-months-old when the baby elephant went viral for smothering a tourist with hugs
Even as newborn babies, elephants are never really that small. They come out of the womb at around 250 pounds, and with their weight comes a certain strength. This man learned first hand just how strong even a baby elephant is when he gave the calf a hug but the rambunctious toddler demanded more.

The Patara Elephant Farm in Chiang Mai, Thailand, offers an amazing experience for elephant lovers. At the unique farm, tourists can learn what it’s like to take care of an elephant for the entire day. When Arthur and Vivian traveled to Chiang Mai, they decided to see if they have what it takes to care for an elephant.

It was at the end of the day when Arthur called Tara over to play, that things took an adorable turn

After a long day of learning how hard it actually was to own an elephant, Arthur decided he would get a little playtime with the 2-month-old calf, Tara, so he called her over and she went wild with love for the tourist.

He thinks he’s going to get away with a simple hug, but Tara has something else in mind. Once Arthur hugs her one time, the precious baby takes that as an invitation for more and begins tackling him with love.

Arthur is no match for the heavy baby and her relentless hugs
Tara is like a big dog who gets excited and doesn’t realize how big she is, she rolls around on Arthur who struggles to move the giant baby. Vivian can’t stop laughing as her friend is smothered with love by the young calf, but we can’t blame her because it’s hilarious.

At one point, Tara lays directly on top of Arthur in search of some cuddles and you can see in his facial expression that she’s extremely heavy.

In one last act of love, Tara rubs her trunk all over Arthur’s head
Right before the video ends, Tara puts her trunk on Arthur’s face and rubs it around in one final attempt to snuggle. Being that this video is from 2012, Tara is an adult now who might even have some babies of her own. If she does, we’re sure they’re just as playful as she was!

People on the internet couldn’t get enough of the baby elephant, millions of viewers were touched by the endearing interaction.
This video has been viewed more than 21.4 million times on YouTube, with 21,000 who have liked it

Over 1,800 people also left comments for the energetic calf and her tourist buddy, many making funny jokes about the whole situation.

It’s easy to see why this video went viral, Tara is just too cute not to love. If you ever visit Chiang Mia, Thailand, spending a day at the Patara Elephant Farm is a must. To see Arthur get overwhelmed with baby elephant hugs, watch the video below!
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