We often think that we’re cooler than our grandparents simply because, well, they’re old and we’re young. But that’s not the case! In fact, chances are our grandparents are actually way cooler than us. We can only aspire to reach that level of awesomeness.
And if you’re thinking, “pics or it didn’t happen,” we have 60 photos to prove it. These old photos of our grandmas and grandmas just go to show that they really were living their best lives way back when. See it for yourself.
We know this is apparently someone’s grandma but… Are we sure this isn’t actually a movie star? I mean, she looks like she came straight out of Hollywood!
Adventurous grandma! “Last year I posted a pic of my Granny on the wing of my Dad’s cropduster plane ‘seconds’ before takeoff and people didn’t believe it…”
This is someone’s grandpa the day before he shipped out with The Marines in 1941… And he also looks like a movie star! What everyone a movie star in the 40s? Sure seems like it.
“From what my dad told me was that when his plane was shot, it was leaking fuel so he had the ability to escape from fire. He tried to make his way back to ship but fell short and one of the photographers on the ship snapped the photo.”
“My grandmother right after she ran away from communistic Bulgaria to Germany (1978).” That’s crazy. Are we sure she’s not actually posing for a Gucci ad?
“My granny – nicknamed Kidd – wasn’t allowed to join the Air Force because she was a woman. So she taught young men to fly in Stephenville, TX during WWII – 1940’s.”
“I see your granduncle and raise you my grandmother. This picture was next to her coffin at her funeral (late 60s or early 70s).” That’s the most bad ass thing we’ve ever heard.
“My grandmother with then-Mercury 7 astronauts John Glenn, Gus Grissom, and Alan Shepherd (September 14th, 1959).” Looks like all the men are happy to be around this gorgeous model!
Here’s further proof. “My very cool grandpa in the 1950s holding a fish, smoking a cigarette, with a book tucked into his pants and cigarette pack in his sleeve.” And he… also looks like a supermodel? Okay, what’s the deal here?!
This person’s grandfather may not look as “cool” as the others fashion-wise, but we love his hilarious personality as he plays dress up in this photo! “My grandfather was into cosplay before it was the thing to do.”
“This is my crazy grandfather. Hands down, the funniest old coot that’s ever existed. On his deathbed, he told us (his grandkids), ‘Don’t be cheap. Spend 25 cents and buy the paper. The Times promised me a big spread.’ He worked as a photographer for the LA Times for 50+ years and had many famous photos, including the first published photo of an atomic bomb explosion.”
“He was a man of many stories and an unforgettable sense of humor. After laying his wife and two sons to rest, he stayed strong and kept his spirit high. He battled prostate cancer for 20+ years and lived to see his 92nd birthday and his great grandchildren. RIP Grandpa.” If this is what crazy is, we’re pretty sure being crazy ain’t so bad!
Here’s this person’s grandmother in 1942! “She’s strong, raised six children on her own after leaving an alcoholic husband. Worked 7 days a week as a cook in a gas station from 3 am – 5pm. I would stay every weekend with her and sleep on the floor of the gas station back then. She’s amazing.”
Here’s someone’s grandma working as a flight attendant back in 1972. But honestly, we think she might be on set for a Vogue photoshoot.
22. Flying was different back then
Back then, you could smoke and bring guns on the plane, and all of the flight attendants looked as if they stepped right out of Vogue! It sure ain’t like that anymore. “This photo always puts a smile on my face. Our 86-year-old grandmother back in the day.”
Why simply jump into a pool when you can approach it with a full on swan dive? If you grew up in the 40s, then we already know you’re bad ass and you wouldn’t have it any other way. Here’s a picture of this person’s grandfather doing some seriously epic pool tricks.
“Your grandma looks like the kind of woman who would have seduced a private investigator and then shot him when he fulfilled his purpose…compliment, by the way,” said a Reddit user. They’re not wrong! She would have been 97-years-old on March 11.
Omaha 1939. “He looks like he wants to sell me something he knows damn good and well doesn’t work the way he advertises it,” someone commented on the photo. Again, they’re not wrong. We’re definitely getting those vibes.
“If I could only be half as badass as my grandfather this Memorial Day, c. 1960,” this person wrote. Just going for a walk with his little pet tiger on his back. We love seeing all these super “casual” pets!
“My grandma recently passed. My Grandpa sent me this picture so I could know what man looks like when he is in love. They were married 60+ yrs.” You can absolutely see the love in both of their eyes.
“My grandfather died of a sudden heart attack today. He lived a long, awesome life. When he was a little kid, a bakery hired him to chase bats away from their loading dock. He had bad teeth as a teenager, so the dentist pulled a bunch of them without anesthesia… When the Korean War started, he joined the Navy as a diver. He worked off Key West, and when a test pilot would crash he had to dive and recover the pilot, living or dead.”
“My grandmother turned 98 this week. This is her in her full nursing uniform during WWII.” The best part is that she looks SO happy to be there. Truly enjoying life!
“The last photo in my grandparents wedding album (1954).” This is the perfect photo to put last in a wedding album! With the “Do Not Disturb” sign, it’s too funny.
“My grandmother demonstrating the Three-point belt as a model for Volvo in 1959.” See, now here is a legitimate model! They were all legit, but this is an actual photo of her actually modeling. Beautiful!
“So, apparently my grandpa was a badass,” this Reddit user wrote. Then we see this photo of their grandpa chilling out with a bear who is standing on its two feet. It almost looks as if they’re having a conversation. Yep, we’d say that’s badass for sure!
“My grandparents in 1960, on a date. My favorite picture.” No wonder why it’s her favorite picture — with a bottle of wine, cool sunglasses and cigarettes — it’s totally magazine-worthy.
“My stud grandfather circa WWII. He watched Pearl Harbor happen in Hawaii, joined up and fought on a gunboat at Iwo Jima that was hit by enemy fire. He surfed with legends in Honolulu. He was a barber for 60 years.” Are you sure he wasn’t a model though?
“My grandfather on a motorcycle he stole from a Nazi, weeks after American troops liberated him from a concentration camp in Landsberg, Germany (May 1945). He had spent 4 years in concentration camps around Poland and Germany.”
“I would always call my Grandmother on Mother’s day, and have missed that call for a few years now. Thought I would share this in her honor.” So sweet.
“Don’t mess with my great grandmother Emma Hagen, woman homesteader in North Dakota. 1910s.” After looking at this photo, I think it’s safe to say that no one will even try to mess with her!
Here’s a photo of someone’s grandmother kissing Louis Armstrong. So cool! And the picture is so perfect — it’s so animated and filled with such great energy. Everyone looks so ecstatic, even Louis.
Some grandfathers chose bears or tigers as their pets while this guy chose… Flying squirrels. “My grandfather in 1958 with his fresh new haircut and 5 pet flying squirrels.”
“My great grandfather, clearly quite impressed with himself, had just built his Perkins County, South Dakota homestead when this photo was taken in 1909.”
“My grandparents travelled the world in the same Volkswagen Beetle, twice. They inspire me. Here is a selection of photos taken on their 1961 and 1996 journeys.”
59. This one takes the cake for ultimate bad assery
“My Great-Grandfather Albert. He was shot, stabbed, gassed, and on this day in 1917, was the only man to return from a trench raiding party. It earned him my Origin user-name: ‘The Devil Dodger of Ypres.'”
Old school photos that showed people their grandparents had cooler lives than them
Kirsten Spruch
We often think that we’re cooler than our grandparents simply because, well, they’re old and we’re young. But that’s not the case! In fact, chances are our grandparents are actually way cooler than us. We can only aspire to reach that level of awesomeness.
And if you’re thinking, “pics or it didn’t happen,” we have 60 photos to prove it. These old photos of our grandmas and grandmas just go to show that they really were living their best lives way back when. See it for yourself.