Our world has undergone a lot of social and cultural shifts as of late. This is perhaps most obvious when we observe the generational gap that has become overwhelming with the millennial lifestyle.
One amazing thing to come out of this that warms the heart, though, is the common language of jazz music.
This performance is the perfect example of that.
It was a simple equation. One piano and two music-loving men.

A young man begins playing a public piano in the middle of a Paris street.
He’s focused, devoted, and lost in the world of all those piano keys in front of him. And what’s his story? As it turns out, his name is Dotan Negrin and he makes his home in New York City.

He started playing at Union Square Park in New York and admits that he wasn’t good in the beginning. Today, he is an inspirational man that’s been living out of a van for six years. He has traveled to more than 500 cities and made a lot of progress in the meantime.
The man joining Dotan is Danish composer, saxophonist, and pianist, Frans Bak.
In this video, the two outstanding men shared a seat at the piano together.

The result was spontaneous, lovable and uplifting.

As the video begins, Dotan is approached by a man who simply asks, “Can I join you?”
Dotan replies, “Yeah” with a huge smile on his face. Who wouldn’t join him after a welcome like that? They sync together quickly and grab the attention of those passing by. There is a crowd around him, but they don’t seem to see it.
The love they poured out on the keys captured everyone’s attention, and their hearts.

Seeing the two together, it’s almost as if Frans is playing with his younger self.
It must be an honor for both of them to be able to play together. We imagine the conversation they had afterward. It’s almost as if Dotan set the mood and Frans told the rest of the story, that’s how well they blended.
These two musical gentlemen are definitely speaking the same language.

You know the music has taken you over when you hear a car accelerating in the background, and the sound goes well with the tune they’re playing. Suddenly, you hear the rhythm in everything!
You may or may not like jazz, but you’ll probably love this duet.

If you find yourself swaying, tapping, and finger-tapping in time with the music don’t worry, you’re not alone.
The tune is catchy and it caught us off guard too.
You just have to love the international language of music!

Speaking of international, Dotan just released a new album “Piano Around the World”.
It consists of 12 tracks of original studio recordings composed by Negrin, recorded between 2014 and 2018.
This is how the world should be, with people filling each other in.

Dotan showed great respect when he yielded his seat to an older gentleman.
These two strangers improvised and made beautiful music together, and it’s phenomenal how we all can connect through music. We hope these men will have a lot more success in the future!

They’ve set the bar high, but we could learn from them: enjoy life and try to click in with people around you. As they’ve shown in this video, there are plenty of pleasant surprises around every corner.
See their incredible impromptu piano performance in the video below!
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