Corporal Les Munn, from the Texarkana Arkansas Police Department, absolutely loves his job. “It ain’t work if you love what you do,” the joyful officer wrote on his Facebook page.
“[I] smile and be happy for another day doing what I am passionate about.

With his large frame and shaved head, he can seem intimidating to those who don’t know him. But really, he’s a kind-hearted fellow who just loves to have fun. In fact, his love of adventure and goofing off led to him going viral in a video last month. The footage was captured at an Arkansas High School football game. Cpl. Munn was there patrolling the event, something he does regularly. As the players ran across the field, the school band was preparing to perform.

“A couple of the band members were bringing their equipment up into the stands and one of them was talking about how heavy it was, how I should carry it up there for her” he recalled. “I said OK, and she made a comment about, ‘Well, you come up in the stands, we’ll show you how to play this stuff.'”

Cpl. Munn hasn’t played the drums in 23 years— since he was in his high school’s marching band. Still, he didn’t let the lack of practice deter him from the activity, lining up with the school’s students to give the crowd a show they wouldn’t believe.

He later revealed to Inside Edition:
“I was nervous; it had been a long time since I’d played so I didn’t want to let them down and [I was] hoping my skills were gonna hold up.”
Luckily, Cpl. Munn had nothing to worry about—and his drumming performance was about to show it.

In a video captured by someone sitting in the bleachers, you see the focused officer banging the drumsticks to the sound of the beat. For the most part, he seems to stay on rhythm. The students beside him can’t control their smiles. People loved the way he was willing to let loose and have fun. “I think I’ve seen more big eyes and big smiles than I’ve seen from a lot of people in a long time,” he said.
“They’re not used to seeing somebody in uniform come up there and be in that light.”
“It kind of took the uniform off for a second and let everyone know, ‘Hey, we’re just people too.'”

Cpl. Munn was such a big hit, he’s already been asked to perform again next season.

Since being uploaded, the officer’s impromptu drum performance has been viewed over 240,000 times. It’s hard not to grin when you see him letting loose with kids and showing them law enforcement isn’t something to be feared. Comments on the video read:
“He still got the beat of being a drummer. Give this man credit. He should rejoin band.”
“This is great! Finally, some wholesome news!”
“Give that man a raise!”

Watch the video below!
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