An officer at the Montebello Police Department is showing the world what compassion and understanding look like after he responded to an incident at a local bank.

Located 10 miles outside of Los Angeles, the Montebello Police Department received a call from the local Bank of America to assist with an unruly customer. Apparently, there was an elderly gentleman who was upset and causing a scene. Officer Robert Josett was dispatched to respond to the disturbance.
Officer Josett walked into the bank and noticed a 92-year-old man who seemed very agitated and upset. There was indeed a lot of commotion going on as the officer approached the irritated customer. Apparently, the senior man attempted to withdraw money from his account, but he was having trouble with the transaction.
The 92-year-old man was trying to withdraw money, but his ID had expired — the bank was unable to process his request. The man became increasingly upset that no one would help him.
Since it is the bank’s policy to require a current identification card for these types of transactions, there was nothing they could do — their hands were tied. However, the elderly man didn’t understand why they couldn’t work with him; this is when authorities were called.
When Officer Josett approached the man, he didn’t escort the man out of the bank, telling him to leave. Instead, he drove the gentleman to the Department of Motor Vehicles to get a brand new identification card.
After taking the man to the DMV to get a new ID card, Officer Josett took him back to the bank before it closed so he could withdraw his money.

After posting a photo of the officer and elderly man on Facebook, the Montebello Police Department received national attention. The photo was shared over 38,000 times and bringing in comments of praise from around the world
People from all over are praising this officer’s kind actions.
In a day in age where police officers are often criticized for their actions, it’s heartwarming to see such a wonderful example of compassion within the force. The 252,000 people who have ‘liked’ this post seem to agree.
The full Facebook post is below. This is the perfect example of an officer going above and beyond his duty in order to help someone else.
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