Living in a nursing home can be isolating. Many of the residents often feel lonely and detached from the world. But people living at one such facility in Texas are feeling loved after a Halloween celebration drew 5,000 visitors.
The residents of Heartis Senior Living in Webster, Texas, took to social media to ask for help.
The first step was to ask for candy donations.
“We miss giving candy to trick-or-treaters on Halloween,” read a post on Facebook. “Please help us reach our goal of collecting enough candy to invite the community to our home for a safe and fun place to trick-or-treat.”

The post depicted residents of the nursing home holding up signs.
It was clear that everyone was excited to celebrate Halloween with the community. But they had no idea how much the locals would respond.
To their excitement, people responded with fury. Candy donations poured in, prompting them to post again on social media.
“Just look at all of the candy!” it said. “Our residents are excited and we can’t wait to host a community trick or treat event for our neighborhood kids!”

But the big day hadn’t yet arrived.
The staff and residents of Heartis Senior Living had led a dedicated social media campaign. But they had no idea how the community would feel about what they were doing.
“We need trick or treaters!” said yet another Facebook post. “We will have a moonwalk, hayride, games, food and lots of candy! Come one! Come all!”
It sounds like a pretty good time. But they had no way of knowing whether it was enough to draw visitors in.

As it turned out, people responded better than they’d ever dreamed.
More than 5,000 people showed up to trick or treat and enjoy the attractions. The residents were thrilled to see children in their costumes. Some of them even dressed up, too.
“We are extremely thankful for all the generosity that poured in from around the nation,” said a spokesperson for Heartis Senior Living. “It was the most unbelievable selfless act of kindness from complete strangers.”
Trick-or-treaters went from room to room in their costumes. The residents handed out candy and got to have the best Halloween they had in a long time.

Both the staff and the residents were thrilled at the outcome, and they now plan to make it an annual event.
“It was absolutely AMAZING!” said a spokesperson. “Our residents were overjoyed! It was the first celebration of its kind in the community. We are hoping to make this an annual event for our residents and the surrounding community.”
Pictures show residents of the home dressed in costumes and handing out candy. One man wore a Batman mask as he gave treats to several small caped crusaders.

It was a community effort from start to finish. The people of Heartis Senior Living will never forget it. Thanks to the response of the locals, a new and wonderful tradition have begun.

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