Acts of Kindness
Neighbor Cleans A Woman's Apartment
This neighbor made a huge difference in this elderly woman's life
Ace Sterling

For 21 years, Lucy Ashen has lived next door to an elderly woman in London who had no one to care for her. For years, Ashen tried to go inside the woman’s flat, but the lady was notorious for isolating herself and being antisocial.

After some convincing, Lucy finally gained her neighbor’s trust and was invited into her flat. Upon entering the lady’s living quarters, Ashen was beyond shocked to see the lady’s living conditions.

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Lucy suspected that things were bad, but nothing could have prepared her for what she saw. There was no food. Dirt and muck covered the floors on every surface. There were rips and holes in all of her clothes and furniture. To add to the horrible conditions, the woman hadn’t bathed in 13 years!

“What I saw when she finally let me in will stay with me forever!”

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When most would have turned the other way, Lucy felt compelled to lend ah and. She made it her mission to help her neighbor. With her 14-year-old daughter by her side, the two went on a tireless mission to completely change their neighbor’s living conditions.

“So without stopping to think, I gutted her house! I mean everything went down to the toilet seat,” wrote Lucy on Facebook.

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Facebook Screenshot

Although Lucy was in the forefront on the helping, she couldn’t have done it alone. She wrote, “I knew I needed help at this point, so without thinking too much of it I put a post on Facebook asking for help along with a list of what she needed.”

Lucy asked for volunteers to help donate necessities such as clothing, furniture, and food. Lucy was stunned when she received 80% of what she asked for in little as 24 hours.

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Facebook Screenshot

It took Lucy more than 11 days and 60 hours of cleaning to get the lady’s flat into an acceptable level for her to live in.

In a Facebook post, Ashen says the elderly lady now has a bed (she had been sleeping on the floor), clean furniture, three meals a day, and best of all, friends she can rely on.

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It takes a special type of person to do what Lucy has done. When she saw the lady’s living quarters, it caught her completely off guard, but she didn’t let that turn her away. She went above and beyond what was asked of her and completely changed this lady’s life. We need more people like Lucy and her daughter. A big thank you to the both of you from the rest of us.

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[Source: Facebook Post ]
