We all know about the Secret Santa tradition- most of us have probably played it at school, at work, or among friends.

But, in eastern Idaho, it has turned into something much bigger than just gifting blankets, perfumes, candles, or a fancy notebook.
An eastern-Idaho native, in collaboration with East Idaho News, has been surprising deserving men and women living in the area with stuff they really need since 2015.

Only last year, the Secret Santa, who wishes to remain anonymous, spent more than $500,000 on the gifts; this year he plans on spending a million dollars to make his fellow citizens happy.
One of the many touching stories is that of a navy veteran, who has spent his whole life helping others without ever complaining.

Darold Young is a caring son, a loving husband, and an affectionate father, who has always been there for those he loves, ready to do everything in his power to help those who need him.
His 91-year-old mother, who lived in another town, couldn’t take care of herself due to old age and the medical needs it brings along. For this reason, Darold needed to drive from Springfield into Blackfoot for a few hours a few times per week just to take care of his mother.

At the same time, he needed to care for his wife, too. His dear wife had some health issues that made it impossible for her to take care of herself. This meant Darold had to look after her, and also hire a caretaker to stay with her while he was away with his mother.
In the meantime, kind Mr. Young tried to help any other person who needed it, always with a smile on his face, never asking for anything in return.

During Christmas of 2019, it was finally time for someone else to help Darold, just like he had been doing all of those years for others.
Secret Santa, in collaboration with the local news channel, arranged for Mr. Young to get a brand new car for his journeys to his mother’s house and back. He also received a $1000 gas card and another $1000 to pay for insurance.

As you can see in the video, when the reporter meets Mr. Young, the man seems perplexed- and then he explains that he has a present for him.
Darold opens the small box and finds the card in there. This is enough to make him happy, but the reporter explains that this is not all he has for him. Then, he hands to him the $1000 check, and the veteran can’t believe it.
Still, the biggest gift hasn’t been revealed.

When the two men go outside, Mr. Young is presented with his brand new car. And that’s when he can’t hold back his tears.
He thanks everyone and gets in the car to explore it, but it is obvious that he still can’t believe how lucky he is. He is grateful for the unexpected gifts and he wishes everyone Merry Christmas.

Head over to the video below to see for yourself how this gentleman reacted to the surprise. It’s beyond heartwarming!
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
Source: YouTube – East Idaho News, East Idaho News