Margaret Smith is dancing in the sky.
Vanderbilt University Medical Center nurse Olivia Nuefelder made sure the 63-year-old cancer patient heard her favorite song the moment Smith received the bad news.

Margaret had been suffering from liver cancer for about a year. She was admitted for a liver transplant but doctors regrettably informed Smith that her health was too poor to receive the transplant.
Smith moved to a nursing home in Cookeville but not before her nurse serenaded her.

“Dancing In The Sky” by Dani and Lizzy was Margaret’s favorite song. Neufelder made sure to sing it to her patient.
“There was almost a sense of peace knowing that it was her favorite song and she did tell me it’s the song she wants played at her funeral. She didn’t feel like a patient at that time. I wanted her to know that she was loved even if her family wasn’t able to be there.”
Neufelder shared.

Smith called Olivia her little angel, and the nurse made sure she lived up to it by singing to the rapidly declining Smith.
“I recently lost my grandmother and went through a similar experience and I was singing to her as she passed too. Margaret really has helped me more than she knows,” added Neufelder.

Crystal Roberts, Smith’s best friend, recorded the video a day before she was released from the hospital.
“More than anything Margaret loved people, loved life and loved the Lord,”said Roberts.
You can see Olivia sweetly singing to Margaret, holding back tears as she fights to stay positive with a lovely smile. The nurse eventually told Smith that one day, they’ll be together again in heaven.

The Nashville nurse’s singing act went viral with 3,605,221 views for this video alone.
Margaret Smith passed away two days later. Her family wanted to thank Neufelder for her compassion and positivity during that difficult point in time. It’s a moment they’ll all remember.

Viewers began to share their stories in the comments section of the video:
Papa D shared,
“I’m gonna tell everyone that nurses are and will always be the backbone of the healthcare system. I know from first hand experience. My wife was on her deathbed because of her liver failing. The care and compassion they all showed her was amazing. Without them , my wife wouldn’t be here today. Thank you to all the awesome people that were chosen by god to be nurses and amazing angels.”

Joseph said,
“The nurse showed a lot of compassion singing to a cancer patient. When I was in the QE in Birmingham England there was a nurse in the cancer ward where I was a patient she sang to the ward as she was walking round she was beautiful and made everyone forget about they illness for a few minutes we can’t thank all the nurses around the world enough God bless them all.”

But perhaps the best tribute was the one from Margaret’s nurse herself.
“Miss Marg has touched my heart in such an indescribable way. I am so humbled and honored to be a Nurse. My thoughts and prayers are forever with this amazing family,” Olivia wrote in a Facebook post.
Olivia is an angel on earth. And one day, she and Smith will be singing together, up there in the sky.
Watch this heartfelt moment between Neufelder and Smith below.
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