Acts of Kindness
Mom finds peculiar envelope on floor at Walmart with instructions to ‘open it’
After reading the message inside, she knew it should be shared with the world.
Jenny Brown

We’ve all seen those movies where someone stumbles upon an unexpected treasure.

But what if we told you that such magical moments aren’t just confined to the silver screen?

A family in Charlotte, North Carolina, experienced one such enchanting episode during a regular shopping trip.

Facebook - Queen City News (Julia Stultz)
Facebook - Queen City News (Julia Stultz)

Julia Stultz, accompanied by her husband and son, was browsing through the aisles of a Walmart.

Their day took a turn for the extraordinary in the children’s clothing section.

Julia’s son, with his sharp eyes, noticed an envelope lying on the floor.

They naturally were intrigued and picked it up.

Facebook - Queen City News (Julia Stultz)
Facebook - Queen City News (Julia Stultz)

The envelope bore a simple yet heartwarming message: “With Love, Amen.”

But the mystery didn’t end there.

Flipping it over, Julia found another note that read,

“If this card has found you, open it – it’s yours. God is continually blessing you.”

Facebook - Queen City News (Julia Stultz)
Facebook - Queen City News (Julia Stultz)

Curious, Julia opened the envelope.

Inside was a lovely card, but the real surprise lay within its folds.

Nestled inside were five crisp $20 bills.

But money wasn’t the only gift the stranger left behind.

The card carried a touching message:

“May this gift bring you a little peace today. One day, please pay it forward. May the blessings of God be on you always!” It was signed off simply as “Your friend.”

Facebook - Queen City News (Julia Stultz)
Facebook - Queen City News (Julia Stultz)

The sheer unexpectedness of this act left Julia in awe.

While she wished she could personally thank this anonymous benefactor, she expressed her gratitude to FOX 46 and emphasized her intent to pay the kindness forward.

Facebook - Queen City News (Julia Stultz)
Facebook - Queen City News (Julia Stultz)

Word about this heartwarming gesture spread like wildfire.

The news station decided to gauge the reactions of other Walmart shoppers.

Lamar McLaughlin, one of the shoppers, remarked,

“I think people should be more kind to each other. It’s just, I will say it’s not hard to do, but it’s uncommon nowadays.”

Facebook - Queen City News (Julia Stultz)
Facebook - Queen City News (Julia Stultz)

Another shopper, Akili Omari, was deeply moved by the story.

He shared with FOX 46:

“I’ve always wanted that there was stuff in this world, and I always said, if I had a chance to pay it forward, I would absolutely do it. Everybody is divided right now, so to hear about something like that, it’s uplifting and inspiring.”

Facebook - Queen City News (Julia Stultz)
Facebook - Queen City News (Julia Stultz)

Inspired by the story, Akili now plans to initiate his own chain of kindness.

It also melted the internet’s heart.

One user commented,

“Good to hear nice things in this sad & crazy world. God bless the person who did that. Praying the lady who got it was able to pay it forward. (You) never know when someone needs it.”

Unsplash - Ditto Bowo
Unsplash - Ditto Bowo

Discovering such a generous gift during a normal shopping trip feels like a scene from a movie.

Yet, it’s a good reminder that acts of kindness, big or small, can be woven into the fabric of our everyday lives.

Watch the video below to get a closer look at this feel-good story!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Woman finds card with $100 and instructions to “pay it forward”

PAY IT FORWARD: A local woman found a card in Walmart with $100 inside. The card read: “May this gift bring you a little peace today. One day please pay if forward. may the blessing of God be on you always! – Your friend.” Happy #WorldKindnessDay! <3 :)


Posted by Queen City News on Monday, November 13, 2017
