Of course, an energetic four-footer is always adorable, but if there’s one thing cuter than a dog, it has got to be a whole bunch of them!
This mommy dog recently got the opportunity to reunite with all of her twelve puppies, almost a year later.
Kids do grow up way too soon, and that definitely applies to canines as well. However, it looks like mommy and her children never forgot about each other.

Say hello to Bess, the mother of these pups who was found on the side of the road and rescued a few years ago.

The poor four-footer was seemingly left behind by her previous owner, simply dumped on the side of the road and completely helpless.
Luckily, Tracey and John Stewart from Tennessee found the abandoned dog.
Even though it must’ve been hard, Bess trusted them and the couple was able to get her to safety.

When John and Tracey took her to the emergency vet, they all made a shocking discovery- Bess was pregnant!
In fact, Bess was rescued not a second too soon. She wasn’t only pregnant but she was due, too!
In other words, it wouldn’t take long before Bess would welcome a whole bunch of puppies into the world.

Luckily, momma dog was rescued just in time – it’s scary to think what could’ve happened if John and Tracey didn’t find her.
Bess received all the care and assistance she needed, but the procedure didn’t go as smoothly as the vets had hoped.

One of the twelve puppies, which they later named Burrdie, was actually causing quite some trouble.
She managed to get stuck and was blocking the birth canal – and because she was the first puppy to be born, that definitely made things more difficult for the rest.
The vets knew that Burrdie would probably need the most care of all the puppies.
After a while, the final puppy was finally born- Bess delivered no less than twelve puppies!

It’s not uncommon for such large litters to be born, but the harsh reality is that litters like these usually don’t survive completely.
It’s not uncommon to see multiple newborn puppies pass away after birth.

However, Tracy decided to foster all twelve puppies and take them home.
Of course, you’d need a ton of space, patience, and time – but it’s a commitment that she didn’t even hesitate about.
The living room had to be redecorated as a temporary puppy nursery. Luckily, the whole family was more than willing to take care of these adorable animals, even if it meant sacrificing some room, comfort, and sleep.

Thanks to so much tender loving care, all twelve puppies are still doing great today!
Of course, the family knew that they couldn’t keep taking care of all thirteen of them for the rest of their lives, so they started to figure out a plan for the future.

The twelve puppies also received a name: Burrdy, the firstborn, as well as Ginny, Gracie, Ruby, Osa, Louis, Drake, Rupert, Ranger, Seven, Ruby, and Sandy.

Tracy and John wanted to make sure that every single one of them would have a loving and warm home. Even Bess found herself a new home at a friend’s family with younger kids, making it a perfect match.
“The first time I heard about Bess, we fell in love with her right away and knew immediately that this was our dog. Bess’ personality is….she is definitely a Nanny dog. She’s always checking on the kids. I do see a motherly instinct in her,” Bess’ new owner Susan Zaleski said.

Over the course of a few weeks, Taylor and John were able to find every single puppy a warm home, and they were all adopted by their own friends and family.

In other words, she could always check up on the dogs and see how they’re doing!
It’s absolutely amazing that this couple managed to save the lives of thirteen adorable four-footers, who knows what would’ve happened if they never rescued Bess.

Because she knew where all the puppies went, she was also able to set up a unique reunion.
After about a year, all the owners came together to honor Bess and to let the dogs have an absolutely incredible family reunion!
For the first time in a long time, these siblings could finally see each other again, something that almost never happens.

Taylor still recalls how excited mommy Bess was to see her children again.
“Bess appeared, looked out and saw all of her puppies and she didn’t know where to go first!”

Just look at all of these energetic dogs, wagging tails, and big smiles – this reunion is absolutely heart-melting.
Dogs don’t forget their family, because everybody recognized each other without hesitation, even though so much time has passed and they definitely weren’t tiny-sized pups anymore.
Be sure to check the cute footage in the video below.
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