Acts of Kindness
Message from couple leaves girl in tears
Her sweet voice broke when she saw their message.
Cedric Jackson

On any given day, children need forever homes. Sometimes, babies are abandoned at birth. Other times, they’re taken away from parents who aren’t able to care for them. Regardless, these precious little humans end up in orphanages and foster homes. Fortunately, many adults would love to adopt a child to give them a chance at having a normal life.

Meet Ivey Zezulka

For years, Ivey was a product of the system. Without anyone to call mom and dad, all she could do was to dream that one day, she’d have parents. While she was happy, she still didn’t legally belong to anyone.

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YouTube Screenshot/Top 10 Archive

Happy birthday

In a video that’s now been viewed almost five million times, you see several stories about adoption. One of them is Ivey’s. The video was taken on her 10th birthday. Her foster parents, Daniel and Paige Zezulka, placed a gift on the table. They were eager for Ivey to open it.

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YouTube Screenshot/Top 10 Archive

Wanting her own family

Ivey had spent three years in foster care. But all she wanted was a real family, one that was hers forever. The very first night she stayed with her foster parents, Ivey asked if she could call them mom and dad…no foster, just mom and dad.

Facebook/Paige Zezulka
Facebook/Paige Zezulka

“Can I stay forever?”

On the second night with Daniel and Page, that was Ivey’s second question. She immediately felt comfortable with them and never wanted to leave. As you can imagine, this couple felt honored yet sad at the same time. Here was this innocent child who just wanted parents.

Facebook/Paige Zezulka
Facebook/Paige Zezulka

Unwrapping her gift

Well, on her 10th birthday, Ivey carefully removed the wrapping from the package, followed by lifting the tissue paper out of the box inside. Then, she pulled out a frame with something important in it. There it was, a certificate showing that Daniel and Paige were adopting her.

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YouTube Screenshot/Top 10 Archive

She burst out crying

Seeing the word “adopted” was all it took for Ivey to start crying. After such a long time, her wish finally came true. Now, she had a real mom and dad that she’d be a part of for the rest of her life.

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YouTube Screenshot/Top 10 Archive

Lots of hugs

In response, Daniel and Paige jumped up from their seats and threw their loving arms around Ivey. Together, the three of them sobbed. This wasn’t just a birthday but a life-changing event.

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YouTube Screenshot/Top 10 Archive

Things got even better

Once everyone settled down, the couple gave Ivey some even better news. Not only were they adopting her but also her siblings. You see, she had a younger brother and sister. And now, they’d all be together as one big happy family.

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YouTube Screenshot/Top 10 Archive

Lida and Kai

With the adoptions complete, Daniel and Paige had become the parents of a two-year-old, three-year-old, and 10-year-old. There’s no question this will be a busy household. But one filled with a lot of love, laughter, and of the much-needed sense of safety.

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YouTube Screenshot/Top 10 Archive

Dreams do come true

For these kids, their dream came true. Daniel and Paige are dedicated to raising the children in an environment where they’ll flourish. Although the two younger kids probably don’t understand everything going on, Ivey does. And for her, being adopted changed her life.

Facebook/Paige Zezulka
Facebook/Paige Zezulka

While adoption might not be for everyone, it’s a great way to have a family that consists of children who desperately need a home. To see Ivey’s story and others, we invite you to click on the video below. Get out the tissues.

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Source: YouTube, Facebook
