Who doesn’t love halftime at football games and watching the cheerleaders perform their flips and tumbles? Cheerleading is a very underrated sport, and in this video, we see a high school drill team do an incredible performance.

What exactly is a drill team, and what’s the difference between cheerleading and drill team?
A drill team is a group of dancers who perform dance routines perfectly in sync and usually are in high school and college to perform at school events. While cheerleaders also dance, drill teams don’t exactly cheer.

Cheerleading includes more stunts and certain jumps; dance drill teams are usually set to music. The first drill team was created in Greenville, Texas, at Greenville High School by Gussie Nell Davis, and they were known as the Flaming Flashes.

How the MIHS Drill Team made history with their stunning halftime performance?
The video starts with the Mercer Island High School Drill Team walking in sync on to the court during halftime. This school is located in Mercer Island, Washington, and these girls are talented!

Before the music starts, the girls are listening to the command of a whistle by their coach and are dancing to it perfectly. They start with just moving their arms in sync, and even that is incredibly cool to watch. Soon, they’re dancing all around in sync and drop into the splits.

Cheerleaders might flip in the air, but what the drill team does flat on the floor is cooler.
The drill team is lying completely flat on the ground but still dancing with their arms and legs entirely in sync; these girls are great with staying on the beat! They can sweep their whole bodies across the floor perfectly in sync, which is incredibly hard to do.

They soon use each other to sweep their bodies entirely back and forth on the ground, which is so refreshing to watch. They come up to do a few kicks and dance again to the ground. Then, they come up and do some high kicks, which are always fun to watch.

They’re not even halfway done with their dance routine, and the best has yet to come.
The girls form a long line with each other, one facing the other way, and continue to do high kicks perfectly in sync. The way these girls can move their bodies so in sync had to take a lot of practice, and they continue to make cool dance moves.

Then the line breaks in half, and they dance doing helicopter swings across the court.
The girls then come back together ideally in sync and do a kaleidoscope movement with their arms, which is so fun to watch.
They are so in sync it’s crazy to watch, the practice these girls must’ve had was intense!

The girls then drop back to the floor entirely in sync just to come back up and separate into different corners of the court facing the crowd continuing their remarkable performance. Even being in different corners they’re still perfectly in sync. They come back to form a triangle yet wholly in sync and finish their performance perfectly.

The crowd loves the performance, and the girls have one final thing to do.
After they finished their performance, the crowd went crazy because of how incredible it was. The music plays one final song, and the girls get up and dance perfectly in sync on their way out, talk about an exit!

Watch the full video below and see the talent this drill team brings to the table!
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