Reddit is an interesting place where ordinary people share stories and things about themselves that make us realize how extraordinary ordinary people can be.
Reddit user 11b240 decided to share a story about something that brought him great joy.
In fact, it brought him to tears. What brought him so much happiness was the chance to help someone else.

It started when 11b240 says that his “accidental” business, a diesel repair shop, started to do very well.
That’s when the mechanic found that his heart started growing along with the size of his bank balance.
“As the checking account has grown, my desire to help people has grown accordingly,” 11b240 explained.

“Prior to opening this business, the most I had ever had in my account was $30k from my deployment in 2017.”
One day a customer named Bob called and told him he was having problems with his truck. They ended up discussing the matter for about 45 minutes.

“In that time I had learned Bob had moved from the Pacific northwest to be down here in South Florida due to needing a liver and heart transplant,” the shop owner explained.
That phone call ended up getting even more personal.

“We had talked about death, his kids, and how daunting it is knowing you might not be alive this time next year. The fact he may never see his kids grow up, he may never see them graduate, that they may be without a father.”

This really hit home for the mechanic who has a 5-year-old daughter of his own.
He said he was literally fighting back tears while talking with Bob and thinking about his ordeal.
It took three weeks before Bob was able to finally get his truck into the shop. Doctor appointments and other things like that kept getting in the way.

“Finally, his truck almost left him stranded and he headed to my shop. I finally saw Bob, and Bob looked tired and my heart hurt for him. You could see the scars from previous operations, one all the way up to his neck. This isn’t how someone in their 40s should look,” 11b240 wrote in his Reddit post.

The mechanic made Bob a priority when he arrived at his shop.
He quickly found out the problem Bob’s car was having, ordered new parts, installed, and fixed a few other small issues he found.
Bob’s bill came out to be around $950 but at that moment something changed in the mechanic.

“As I was billing him out, the cost came out to just under $950, and something just went off in my head. I closed my laptop, and stood straight up and told Bob, you’re good to go. Bob looked at me like a deer in headlights,” he wrote.

Bob immediately broke down in tears and so did the mechanic.
“We both ugly cried,” he recalled. “I told Bob enjoy the time you have with your kids, take them out and make more memories. I called my Mom and Dad, and I told them both how much I loved them.”

The mechanic shared ended his post with a plea for others to follow his lead.
“I think what I’m trying to get at is, if you can, help your fellow man or woman. Be nice to people. Sometimes a little positivity, especially in 2020 can go a long way,” he wrote.
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