Ohio mom Brittany Reed began to stress out when her 4-year-old son began crying because he felt tired. She had just picked her kids up from football practice too.
Then her 7-year-old daughter began bawling at the same time upon finding out they were having red potatoes for dinner.
Brittany didn’t want to prolong the drama so she decided on McDonald’s for dinner.
With all three kids losing it, Reed drove to McDonald’s, entering the drive-thru in what she hoped would silence the kids. Until she discovered she had left her wallet at home.
Talk about having a bad day.

Brittany was about to cry herself as she told the cashier, “Hun, I am so sorry but I have to cancel that order. I left my purse at home when we went to football tonight.”
The man at the drive-thru window was her angel.

The young cashier pulled out his card and paid for Reed’s orders. She went on to tell the cashier that she’d come back to pay him but the cashier said, “No it’s totally fine, my pleasure.”
The cashier’s name is Wyatt Jones and he was only 16 years old at the time.
Brittany did come back with the money plus a little extra wanting Jones “to know that when you put good out in the world it comes back to you tenfold!”
Brittany posted Wyatt’s good deed on Facebook hoping that his mom and dad would see the kid’s wonderful act.
“I just want his parents to know how KIND & COMPASSIONATE your son was tonight! He made this stressed out momma pause for a moment and realize this is exactly what we parents are trying to do, raise great humans. Well Wyatt sir, you are an amazing human!!!” she wrote in the caption.
Wyatt was saving up for a car and that gave Reed an idea.

Brittany and her husband started a GoFundMe for Wyatt after getting permission from the young cashier’s mom. The goal was at $5,000, but in a short amount of time, they raised $50,000 in donations!
The best part is that Brittany’s older son, inspired by the “boy from McDonald’s”, began sharing more and even picking up trash from the side of the road.
“This is the part that gets me,” Brittany told WCPO. “I think we need more people like Wyatt. We need more people that don’t hesitate to be kind just to be kind.”
McDonald’s organized a ceremony to honor their outstanding employee, presenting him with a longboard and declaring October 7 as “Wyatt Jones Day.”
Wyatt says he felt overwhelmed with all the attention he’s been getting and for a kid his age, that’s certainly a lot to take in. He deserved all of it!
“I don’t know how to put it into words just because of how crazy it was. It’s just a small act of kindness and everything blew up and it’s amazing to think that something like that can get you this far,” he said.
Wyatt could finally get that car he wanted! Let’s hope his kind act inspires others to do the same as well!
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